The Parent Education Program
All individuals who file a Complaint for Divorce in Ocean County or Monmouth County are required by New Jersey State Statute 2A:34-12 to attend the parental education program. When filing a Complaint for Divorce that involves a family with children, the normal filing fee of $250.00 is increased to $275.00. The additional $25.00 fee is utilized to fund the parental education program. The program is designed to assist and advise divorcing parents on issues involving divorce, separation and custody in New Jersey. The purpose of the program is to promote cooperation between the parties and to assist parents in resolving issues that may arise during the divorce or separation process, including but not limited to:
1) Understanding the legal process and cost of divorce separation, including arbitration and mediation;
2) Understanding the financial responsibilities for the children;
3) Understanding the interaction between parent and child, the family relations and any other areas of adjustment and concerns during the process of divorce or separation.
4) Understanding how children react to divorce or separation, how to spot problems, what to tell them about divorce or separation, how to keep communication open and how to answer questions and concerns the children may have about the process;
5) Understanding how parents can help their children during divorce or separation, specific strategies, ideas, tools and resources for assistance.
Why and How to Attend the Parent Education Program
Each party attends separate sessions of the program. Typically the program is held at the County Courthouse where the parties reside and is given in the evening hours. The Parental Education Program is most helpful and provides valuable information to divorcing parties
Divorce is difficult for everyone involved. Dealing with the emotional fallout of divorce while simultaneously trying to create a workable co-parenting relationship, manage the logistical and financial problems divorce presents, and provide children with the extra emotional support and parenting time they need is incredibly stressful.
Managing such major issues all at once would be a huge challenge for anybody on their best day, let alone for someone in the midst of a divorce. That's what makes participation in the Parents Education Program so valuable. It provides a family with just the right support, exactly when it's needed most.
The communication techniques and conflict resolution skills parents learn will serve them well in the years to come. Building a working relationship after a divorce is no easy task. There are many issues divorced parents will have to work through in the years after the divorce, like remarriage and other emotionally thorny matters.
The program helps parents to be more in tune with how the divorce affects their children. It helps parents recognize and modify inappropriate behaviors that add to children's upset, like making disparaging remarks about an ex-spouse in front of them. Parents learn to identify signs of problems in their children and ways to resolve them before they become major issues.
New Jersey's Parents Education Program has a lot to offer families going through divorce. Parents learn valuable skills that improve short term and long-term family functioning. The time spent completing the program is a smart investment in a happier future.
Call Villani & DeLuca Today
If you are contemplating a divorce in New Jersey, please contact the experienced New Jersey divorce lawyers of Villani & DeLuca, P.C. for your free initial consultation. Partner, Vincent C. DeLuca, Esq. is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney and has been practicing exclusively in the divorce litigation and the divorce mediation areas for approximately twenty (20) years. Please call today at (732) 709-7757.
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