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Lavallette Municipal Court

Lavallette Municipal Court Address

*Lavallette Municipal Court sessions are temporarily being held at the Island Heights Municipal Court.*

One East End Ave.

Island Heights, NJ 08732

Phone Number: (732) 830-1911

Fax Number: (732) 830-6344

Lavallette Borough Municipal Court Judge and Staff

The current judge presiding over the Lavallette Borough Municipal Court is The Honorable Frank S. Salzer and the Court Administrator is Elizabeth L. Boettger.  The Lavallette Borough Municipal Court Prosecutor is currently Kim Pascarella, Esq.
Due to the extensive damage sustained by Lavallette's Municipal Building from Superstorm Sandy, Lavallette Municipal Court sessions will be temporarily held at the Island Heights Municipal Court at One East End Avenue in Island Heights, 08732. Court sessions are held once a month, but the dates are variable. Please contact Court Administrator, Beth Boettger, at (732) 830-1911 if you need more information. Additionally, the court offices are temporarily housed in Trailer 2 in the Lavallette Fire House parking lot at 125 Washington Avenue in Lavallette.

Appearing at Lavallette Borough Municipal Court

Lavallette Borough Municipal Court routinely hears a small number of disorderly persons complaints, with a higher number of traffic citations and DWI cases each month. For criminal matters and DWI charges, a court appearance is required. For other types of matters, you must appear in court on the date and time listed if “court appearance required” is checked on your summons, even if you intend to plead guilty. All persons entering the Island Heights Municipal Court building must pass through a metal detector.
Court procedure allows defendants (or their attorneys if they have secured representation) the opportunity to meet with the borough prosecutor before the court session. This is the time for potential negotiation of the charges. Therefore, you must arrive to court early on the date listed on your ticket, summons, subpoena or court notice, and bring all of your documentation with you.

Hiring a Lawyer Will Get You Heard Faster at Lavallette Municipal Court

It is highly recommended that you have an experienced Lavallette Borough Municipal Court lawyer negotiate on your behalf, because those pleading not guilty without an attorney are heard last. If you have arrived late or have not met with the prosecutor, your name will be called at the end of the session.

What Happens if I Miss My Scheduled Court Date?

If you do not appear in court on the date indicated, you must immediately call the court administrator to reschedule or a Failure to Appear notice will be issued, and an arrest warrant may be entered in your name.

Payment of Fines to Lavallette Municipal Court

Fines owed to Lavallette Borough Municipal Court can be paid at the court office by credit card, cash, cashier's check or money order, but the court does not currently accept credit cards for the payment of fines. Traffic tickets not requiring an appearance may be paid by credit card only, by paying online at  The Lavallette Court ID is 1515.

Parking and Court Amenities

There is ample free parking at the Island Heights Borough Municipal Court and handicapped-access bathrooms can be found on the courtroom level, which is on the ground floor.

Experienced Lavallette Lawyers

If you need an experienced lawyer in Lavallette, NJ, please consider Villani & DeLuca.  We offer free no obligation phone consultations to help resolve your legal issues.  Call a Villani & DeLuca attorney at (732) 709-7757 today!

About Lavallette, NJ

Lavallette Borough is nearly one square mile in area, located north of Ortley Beach. As of the 2010 Census, Lavallette has a year-round population of 1875. Lavallette was originally called “Lavallette City by the Sea” when it was purchased from Michael W. Ortley in 1878. The name was in honor of the young U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Elie A. F. LaVallette who commanded the U.S.S. Constitution, and who later had a U.S. Navy Destroyer named after him. Admiral LaVallette changed his name to Lavallette in 1830.

Directions to the Lavallette Municipal Court

For step-by-step directions to the Lavallette Municipal Court (currently being held at the Island Heights Municipal Court), click on the “Directions” link in the map below and enter your start address.

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