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Seaside Heights Municipal Court

Seaside Heights Boardwalk

Seaside Heights Municipal Court Address

116 Sherman Avenue

Seaside Heights, NJ 08751

Phone Number: (732) 830-2202

Fax Number: (732) 830-6458

Seaside Heights Municipal Court Judge and Staff

Court hearings for the borough of Seaside Heights are heard by Judge Damian Murray, with sessions beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the first, second and third Wednesday, and the fourth Thursday of every month. Administrative duties are handled by Jane Carrozza, the Court Administrator.

Types of Cases Heard at Seaside Heights Municipal Court

According to the Seaside Heights Municipal Code, the municipal court is defined as having “territorial jurisdiction” over specific violations that occur within the borough. These violations generally relate to motor vehicle and traffic laws, municipal ordinances and disorderly persons offenses.
Cases for violations of the Fish and Game laws are not uncommon, since Seaside Heights is abundant in wildlife, being located directly on the Barnegat Peninsula. The borough's government takes the conservation of the community's natural resources very seriously, especially when it comes to poaching and illegal harvesting of the local wildlife.

Important Tips for Your Seaside Heights Court Appearance

If you are required to appear in court, you will not be able to resolve your charges by simply paying your fine, even if you wish to plead guilty. Although going to court can seem like a daunting experience, there are steps you can take to make the process smoother. Remember that you have the right to retain an attorney and request a postponement in order to prepare a defense. An experienced Seaside Heights attorney will be helpful should you need to subpoena witnesses, talk to the Prosecutor or file an appeal of your charges.
On the day of your hearing, you should get to court early and check in with the court staff.   Make sure to turn off or silence your cell phone, and dispose of any food or drinks before entering the court room.  New Jersey municipal courts usually hear pleas of not guilty for those defendants without an attorney last, so it is beneficial to have a lawyer if you want to be heard faster.

Payable Offenses for Seaside Heights Municipal Court

If you wish to plead guilty and are not required to appear in court, you can resolve your charges by paying the penalty amount. In the case of traffic and parking tickets, payments can be made online at, which is the NJMC Direct website. Please note there is a convenience fee for this service, and you must use a Visa or MasterCard logo credit or debit card.
If paying directly at the court office, Seaside Heights Municipal Court accepts payments from Visa and MasterCard logo cards, as well as cash, checks and money orders.

About Seaside Heights, New Jersey

The borough of Seaside Heights is located in Ocean County, New Jersey. It is an immensely popular resort community, with its population more than doubling during the peak months of July and August. Seaside Heights came to be known world-wide as the location of MTV's hit reality show “Jersey Shore”.

Experienced Seaside Heights, NJ Lawyers

If you need a knowledgeable attorney in Seaside Heights, consider Villani & DeLuca.  We have the experience and resources to help you resolve your legal issues.  Call a Seaside Heights Municipal Court lawyer at (732) 709-7757 for a free consultation!

Directions to the Seaside Heights Municipal Court

For step-by-step directions to Seaside Heights Municipal Court, click on the “Directions” link in the map below and enter your start address.

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