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Monmouth Beach Borough Municipal Court

Monmouth Beach Municipal Court Address

556 Tinton Avenue

Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

Phone Number: (732) 542-3400

Fax Number: (732) 542-1289

Court Sessions for Monmouth Beach Municipal Court

The borough of Monmouth Beach has its municipal cases heard at the Tinton Falls Municipal Court. Court sessions for Monmouth Beach are scheduled on the third Thursday of the month, starting at 12:30 p.m.

Monmouth Beach Municipal Court Office Hours

Questions about your summons and court procedures can be answered by Megan Thomas, the Court Administrator of the Monmouth Beach Municipal Court. Ms. Thomas can be reached during the court's office hours, which are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday, the office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Submitting Payments to Monmouth Beach Municipal Court

If you are not required to appear in court and are pleading guilty, you can resolve your summons by paying the stated fine. Payments can be mailed to the court or paid in person at the Violations Bureau window. There is also a convenient drop box for payments located in front of the municipal building.
You can request a receipt for drop box payments by including a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment. Having a receipt is crucial in certain cases. For instance, if your driving privileges have been suspended due to your violation, you must take the payment receipt to a Motor Vehicle Agency in order to reinstate your driving privileges.
Traffic and parking tickets not requiring a court appearance can be paid online at The NJMC Direct site only accepts payments from Visa and MasterCard credit or debit cards. In order to access the system, you will need information from your ticket, and the court code, which is 1336 for Monmouth Beach.

Court Procedures at Monmouth Beach Municipal Court

A summons from Monmouth Beach Municipal Court will clearly indicate if a court appearance is required with a checkmark inside the “court appearance required” box. If the box is not checked, then the “notice to appear” date should be considered as your payment due date.
There may be confusion if you have been told by the police that the ticket is payable, but the summons has the “court appearance required” box checked. It is important to verify immediately with the Court Administrator whether or not you must appear in court. If the court has made a mistake and not checked off the box when a court appearance is required, you will be sent a notice through the mail.

Entering a Plea at Monmouth Beach Municipal Court

If you wish to enter a not guilty plea, you must do so at least 7 days prior to your scheduled court date. Even if you are not required to appear, you can elect to do so by entering your plea with the Court Administrator.
It is recommended that you consult with an experienced Monmouth Beach attorney about whether or not you should appear in court. Pleading guilty to an offense can have damaging long-term consequences, such as hefty fines, suspension of driving privileges, and sometimes even jail time.

Experienced Monmouth Beach, NJ Lawyers

If you need advice about how to resolve your Monmouth Beach municipal violation, consider Villani & DeLuca. Our lawyers have the knowledge and resources to help you resolve your municipal court issues.  Speak to a Monmouth Beach lawyer by calling (732) 709-7757 today!

Directions to Monmouth Beach Municipal Court

For step-by-step directions to Tinton Falls Municipal Court, where Monmouth Beach Municipal Court holds its sessions, click on the “Directions” link in the map below and enter your start address.

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