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Drug Charges

Fighting a serious criminal matter with the right NJ Drug Offense Lawyers

A person charged with a drug-related offense may be subject to jail time, significant fines, license suspension or revocation. In some instances, the conviction can be considered a disqualifying event resulting in the inability to obtain employment or termination of employment. Charges that involve the manufacturing or sale of drugs are even more serious. These charges can result in jail time and/or a lengthy period of probation. That's why it's imperative you have the right NJ Drug Offense Lawyers on your team.

Drug Charges Lawyer

Some individuals charged with a disorderly persons drug offense may qualify for a conditional discharge. A conditional discharge is a form of probation that, if successfully completed, would enable an individual to eventually have the charge removed from his or her record. For individuals charged with indictable drug-related offenses (i.e. possession of marijuana over 50 grams or possession of drugs without a prescription) and they are first time offenders they may be placed in the pre-trial intervention program which, like a conditional discharge, is a probationary diversion program.

Drug Charges for Possession of Illegal Drugs

In New Jersey, being charged with the possession, use or being under the influence of illegal drugs is a very serious criminal matter. If you are facing such a charge, you need an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney to fight for your interests. In New Jersey, it is illegal to knowingly or purposefully obtain or possess a controlled dangerous substance. Under New Jersey's law, the statutory element of possession is satisfied where that possession is merely constructive. Constructive possession of drugs is satisfied, for example, where drugs are found nearby an individual, in a place where he or she can readily access such drugs. Actual possession, as the term implies, refers to drugs being located on an individual's person. It's imperative you have the right NJ Drug Offense Lawyers fighting for you.
If you have been charged with drug possession, it is critical that you retain the services of an experienced and skilled criminal defense attorney who can discuss your case with the assistant prosecutor handling your case. Such a discussion raises the possibility that you can avoid some or all of the serious penalties that result from a conviction of a drug possession charge.
Mr.Villani will take the time to discuss the facts of your case with you. If you are a first time offender, Mr. Villani will determine whether or not you may be eligible to enter a diversionary program, such as Pretrial Intervention, or whether you can obtain a conditional discharge. Mr. Villani and the Villani & DeLuca NJ Drug Offense Lawyers are committed to helping you get your life back on track, and your legal troubles behind you.
Read More About Drug Possession Defense & Marijuana Defense

Drug Charges for Possession of Prescription Drugs

methadone pills

Have you been charged by police with possession of Xanax, Oxycodine, Percocet, Valium or any other prescription drug? If so, you need to call the experienced criminal defense attorneys at Villani & DeLuca, P.C. at (732) 709-7757.
Possession of prescription drugs in New Jersey is a serious crime, with potentially severe ramifications for your future. Potential prison sentences in New Jersey for prescription drug possession vary with the type and quantity of the drug possessed. As with any criminal charge, successful defenses can be made to a possession of prescription drug charge. For example, if you have a valid prescription for the drugs and can provide the prescription, the charge will likely be dismissed. You may also have a defense if you were holding the drugs for a friend or relative.
Read More About Prescription Drug Defense

Drug Charges for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Possession of drug paraphernalia is a common charge brought by police against individuals in Ocean County and Monmouth County. Under New Jersey law, drug paraphernalia refers to any equipment used to produce, conceal, and/or consume illegal drugs. That is a broad definition, and includes such things as:

  • Rolling papers marked with marijuana residue
  • Glass pipes with smoke stains
  • Hypodermic needles
  • Bongs
  • Roach Clips
  • Vials
  • Plastic baggies
  • Syringes

A common scenario is where an individual is driving home from a house party or from the beach shortly after smoking a joint and is stopped by police for a traffic violation. The police officer conducting the traffic stop smells the evidence of recent marijuana use, and the individual unwisely agrees to the police officer's request to search his vehicle. Searching the vehicle, the police officer discovers some sort of drug paraphernalia, frequently a bong. The police officer arrests the individual and charges him with possession of drug paraphernalia.
Depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding your case, and on such considerations as, for example, whether you have a prior criminal history, you may be eligible to receive a conditional discharge for your possession of drug paraphernalia charge. A conditional discharge keeps you out of jail, but you must abide by the terms of the conditional discharge.
Read More About Drug Paraphernalia Defense

Drug Charges for Distribution, Manufacturing or Dispensing

Charges that involve the manufacturing or sale of drugs are far more serious and often pretrial intervention is not available. These charges can result in jail time and/or a lengthy period of probation. Drug charges are very serious and can have long standing consequences resulting in disqualification for employment or otherwise.
The facts and circumstances surrounding your case may be such that an effective defense can be made to the charge or charges against you. Call the attorneys at Villani & DeLuca and they will review your case thoroughly, discuss with you the judicial process, and discuss a likely resolution of your case. The outcome of your drug distribution, manufacturing or dispensing case will be highly dependent on a variety of factors, some of which include:

  • The type of drugs involved
  • The amount of the drugs involved
  • Your particular level of involvement in the activity relevant to the charge
  • What evidence the police found when you were arrested that can be used against you
  • Whether you have a criminal record
  • If the charge involved the selling of drugs, the location of the sale (e.g. near a school)

Read More About Drug Distribution Defense

Call The Experienced NJ Drug Offense Lawyers

If you or a family member have been charged with possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia, contact NJ Drug Offense Lawyers Villani & DeLuca immediately to help represent your interests in court. Partner Carmine R. Villani, Esq. of Villani & DeLuca, P.C. has years of experience representing individuals facing allegations of drug related offenses throughout Ocean and Monmouth Counties. Contact the Law Office of Villani & DeLuca at (732) 709-7757 to schedule a free initial consultation. We represent clients throughout Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey.

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