NJ Statutes > NJ Expungement Laws > 2C:52-19
Defending NJ 2C:52-19. Court order permitting inspection of records or release of information.
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NJ Statute: 2C:52-19. Order of superior court permitting inspection of records or release of information; limitations.
Inspection of the files and records, or release of the information contained therein, which are the subject of an order of expungement, or sealing under prior law, may be permitted by the Superior Court upon motion for good cause shown and compelling need based on specific facts. The motion or any order granted pursuant thereto shall specify the person or persons to whom the records and information are to be shown and the purpose for which they are to be utilized. Leave to inspect shall be granted by the court only in those instances where the subject matter of the records of arrest or conviction is the object of litigation or judicial proceedings. Such records may not be inspected or utilized in any subsequent civil or criminal proceeding for the purposes of impeachment or otherwise but may be used for purposes of sentencing on a subsequent offense after guilt has been established.
L.1979, c. 178, s. 126, eff. Sept. 1, 1979.
AKA: NJ Criminal Charge 2C:52-19, Violation 2C:52-19, Offense 2C:52-19
Next > 2C:52-20. Use of expunged records in conjunction with supervisory treatment or diversion programs.
Disclaimer: A copy of this statute has been provided for your information. This wording was current from the NJ website lis.njleg.state.nj.us as of August 2012.