Experienced NJ Trespassing Lawyers
An individual may be charged with trespassing in New Jersey under a variety of circumstances by:
- Entering onto a neighbor's property in order to retrieve something.
- Re-entering or remaining in a bar or nightclub after having been asked by the owners or their representatives to leave the premises.
- Entering onto school property unwelcomed.
- Entering onto private property and operating an off-road vehicle on that property.
- Entering onto farmland.
- Entering onto the property of a utility company.
- Peering through a window (which is considered a form of trespassing because it invades the privacy of the people on the other side of the windows).
Committing any of these acts, and countless others not mentioned here, could result in a charge of trespassing being entered against you. If you have been charged with trespassing, you need an experienced NJ criminal defense attorney familiar with Ocean County and Monmouth County to represent you. The New Jersey statute that covers trespassing provides, in limited circumstances, for affirmative defenses to the charge of trespassing. Discussing your case with a knowledgeable attorney will help determine your rights.
Call An Experienced NJ Trespassing Lawyer
If you have been charged with trespassing in New Jersey, contact one of Villani & DeLuca's criminal defense attorneys at (732) 709-7757 for a free consultation. An experienced Villani & DeLuca, P.C. attorney will consider the facts of your case in light of the law, and devise an effective defense strategy. We represent clients throughout Ocean and Monmouth County New Jersey.