NJ Criminal Defense FAQ | See also: NJ DWI FAQ
Q) How long does a conviction stay on my criminal record?
A)In short, forever. However, there is an exception. The only way to remove a criminal conviction from your record is to file a petition (application) for an expungement to the appropriate New Jersey court. An expungement comes with certain requirements, so it's important to contact an experienced attorney to determine whether you may qualify for one. For example, in order to remove a conviction for an indictable criminal offense (crime) or disorderly persons offense, you must wait at least five years from the date of your conviction before applying for an expungement. Be aware that there are a number of crimes that cannot be expunged. The crimes of murder/homicide, manslaughter, treason, anarchy, kidnapping, rape, forcible sodomy, arson, perjury, false swearing, robbery, a conspiracy or any attempt to commit any of the foregoing, or aiding, assisting or concealing persons accused of the foregoing crimes, cannot be expunged.
Next > What is the difference between simple assault and aggravated assault?
Villani & DeLuca P.C. are experienced Criminal Defense attorneys. Call (732) 709-7757 for a Free phone consultation.