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Bay Head Municipal Court

Bay Head Municipal Court Address

81R Bridge Avenue

Bay Head, NJ 08742

Phone Number: (732) 892-4737

Fax Number: (732) 899-6494

Understanding Your Bay Head Summons

The first thing you will want to check on your Bay Head Municipal Court Summons is the “court appearance required” box. If this box is checked, you are mandated to appear in court before the judge. If the box is not checked, you must decide whether you want to pay the fine, or plead not guilty and appear in court.
This is a very important decision, since paying the fine is an automatic admission of guilt. It may be worth your while to plead your case in court, which could result in getting your charges reduced. Consulting an experienced Bay Head Municipal Court attorney can help you decide on the best course of action for resolving your Bay Head Municipal Court summons.

Bay Head Municipal Court Hours of Operation

Bay Head Municipal Court is located inside the Bay Head Municipal Building, and usually holds court sessions on the third Monday of the month. Court sessions begin at 4:00 p.m., and cases are heard by Judge Frank S. Salzer. Cases are tried by the Municipal Prosecutor, Joseph D. Coronato, with Public Defender Robert A. Burcz representing defendants facing serious charges, who are deemed unable to afford an attorney by the judge.
The court's administrative affairs are handled by the court office, which is managed by Court Administrator, Tracey E. McCrystal. She is assisted by Mary Costa, who is the Deputy Court Administrator. The court office is open on Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. If calling outside of normal office hours, you may leave a message on the voicemail system.

Preparing for Your Hearing at Bay Head Municipal Court

A court hearing may seem like an intimidating experience, but the New Jersey court system guarantees you certain rights to ensure that you have a fair trial. You are entitled to obtain legal representation, and often your attorney may request a postponement of your arraignment in order to prepare a defense. You also have the right to be informed of your charges and receive certain information from your case file.
On the day of your hearing, make sure to arrive early and check in with the court office staff.  Before entering the courtroom, turn off or silence your cell phone and be prepared to sit quietly until it is your turn to speak. New Jersey municipal court hearings are sound recorded, so the court will not tolerate any unnecessary noise disruptions.
Aside from offering legal advice, your attorney can prepare you for your hearing by giving a full explanation of Bay Head Municipal Court's policies and procedures. In many cases, it is wise to let your attorney speak on your behalf, especially if you are attempting to negotiate a plea agreement with the Prosecutor. Your lawyer can also assist with post-trial legal actions, such as filing an appeal of a conviction.

Experienced Bay Head, NJ Lawyers

If you need legal representation in the borough of Bay Head, consider Villani & DeLuca.  Our lawyers will inform you of your rights and all the available options for resolving your Bay Head Municipal Court summons.  Speak to a Bay Head lawyer at (732) 709-7757 today!

Directions to Bay Head Municipal Court

For step-by-step directions to Bay Head Municipal Court, click on the “Directions” link in the map below and enter your start address.

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