NJ Statutes > 2C:14-2
Defending NJ 2C:14-2 Sexual assault.
After you read the following NJ Criminal Statute (Sexual assault) you may decide that you need the help of a lawyer, or need a legal interpretation of how this statute applies to your case. The firm of Villani & DeLuca has experienced criminal lawyers with over 20 years of experience, including a former municipal prosecutor.
NJ Statute: 2C:14-2 Sexual assault.
a. An actor is guilty of aggravated sexual assault if he commits an act of sexual penetration with another person under any one of the following circumstances:
(1)The victim is less than 13 years old;
(2)The victim is at least 13 but less than 16 years old; and
(a)The actor is related to the victim by blood or affinity to the third degree, or
(b)The actor has supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim by virtue of the actor's legal, professional, or occupational status, or
(c)The actor is a resource family parent, a guardian, or stands in loco parentis within the household;
(3)The act is committed during the commission, or attempted commission, whether alone or with one or more other persons, of robbery, kidnapping, homicide, aggravated assault on another, burglary, arson or criminal escape;
(4)The actor is armed with a weapon or any object fashioned in such a manner as to lead the victim to reasonably believe it to be a weapon and threatens by word or gesture to use the weapon or object;
(5)The actor is aided or abetted by one or more other persons and the actor uses physical force or coercion;
(6)The actor uses physical force or coercion and severe personal injury is sustained by the victim;
(7)The victim is one whom the actor knew or should have known was physically helpless, mentally incapacitated , or had a mental disease or defect which rendered the victim temporarily or permanently incapable of understanding the nature of his conduct, including, but not limited to, being incapable of providing consent.
Aggravated sexual assault is a crime of the first degree.
b.An actor is guilty of sexual assault if he commits an act of sexual contact with a victim who is less than 13 years old and the actor is at least four years older than the victim.
c.An actor is guilty of sexual assault if he commits an act of sexual penetration with another person under any one of the following circumstances:
(1)The actor uses physical force or coercion, but the victim does not sustain severe personal injury;
(2)The victim is on probation or parole, or is detained in a hospital, prison or other institution and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim by virtue of the actor's legal, professional or occupational status;
(3)The victim is at least 16 but less than 18 years old and:
(a)The actor is related to the victim by blood or affinity to the third degree; or
(b)The actor has supervisory or disciplinary power of any nature or in any capacity over the victim; or
(c)The actor is a resource family parent, a guardian, or stands in loco parentis within the household;
(4)The victim is at least 13 but less than 16 years old and the actor is at least four years older than the victim.
Sexual assault is a crime of the second degree.
amended 1979, c.178, s.26; 1983, c.249, s.2; 1989, c.228, s.3; 1997, c.194, s.1; 2001, c.60; 2004, c.130, s.13; 2011, c.232, s.4.
AKA: NJ Criminal Charge 2C:14-2, Violation 2C:14-2, Offense 2C:14-2
Next > 2C:14-4 Lewdness
Disclaimer: A copy of this statute has been provided for your information. This wording was current from the NJ website lis.njleg.state.nj.us as of August 2012.