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NJ 2C:58-2.5. Sale of personalized handguns.

Defending NJ 2C:58-2.5.  Sale of personalized handguns.

After you read the following NJ Criminal Statute (Sale of personalized handguns) you may decide that you need the help of a lawyer, or need a legal interpretation of how this statute applies to your case.  The firm of Villani & DeLuca has experienced criminal lawyers with over 20 years of experience, including a former municipal prosecutor.  Call the number above for a free 24×7 phone consultation.

NJ Statute: 2C:58-2.5.  Sale of personalized handguns, inapplicability.

a. On and after the first day of the sixth month following the preparation and delivery of the list of personalized handguns which may be sold in the State pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2002, c.130 (C.2C:58-2.4), no person registered or licensed by the superintendent as a manufacturer, wholesale dealer of firearms, retail dealer of firearms or agent or employee of a wholesale or retail dealer of firearms pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.2C:58-1 or N.J.S.2C:58-2 shall transport into this State, sell, expose for sale, possess with the intent of selling, assign or otherwise transfer any handgun unless it is a personalized handgun or an antique handgun.
b.The provisions of this section shall not apply to handguns to be sold, transferred, assigned and delivered for official use to:  (1) State and local law enforcement officers of this State; (2) federal law enforcement officers and any other federal officers and employees required to carry firearms in the performance of their official duties and (3) members of the Armed Forces of the United States or of the National Guard.
c.The provisions of this section also shall not apply to handguns to be sold, transferred, assigned and delivered solely for use in competitive shooting matches sanctioned by the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the International Olympic Committee or USA Shooting.  The Attorney General may promulgate rules and regulations governing the scope and application of the exemption afforded under this section.  The Attorney General, by rule and regulation, may require, at a minimum, that a person acquiring a handgun pursuant to this section submit valid proof of participation in these sanctioned shooting matches.
d.No later than 30 days after the preparation and delivery of the list of personalized handguns which may be sold in the State pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2002, c.130 (C.2C:58-2.4), there shall be established a seven-member commission in the Department of Law and Public Safety that shall meet at least once a year to determine whether personalized handguns qualify for use by State and local law enforcement officers.  The Governor shall appoint the following six members of the commission:  a county sheriff; a county law enforcement officer; a county prosecutor; one local law enforcement officer who shall be an active member of the New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police; one local law enforcement officer who shall be an active member of the New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association; and an experienced firearms instructor qualified to teach a firearms training course approved by the Police Training Commission.  The seventh member of the commission shall be the Superintendent of State Police.
The commission shall issue a report to the Attorney General upon its determination that personalized handguns qualify for use by State and local law enforcement officers.  In making this determination, the commission shall consider any advantages and disadvantages to using these weapons in the performance of the official duties of law enforcement officers and shall give due regard to the safety of law enforcement officers and others. The commission shall expire thereafter.  The Attorney General shall be authorized to promulgate rules and regulations that apply the provisions of this section to handguns to be sold, transferred, assigned and delivered for official use to State and local law enforcement officers upon a determination by the commission that personalized handguns qualify for use by State and local law enforcement officers.
e.A person who knowingly violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

AKA: NJ Criminal Charge 2C:58-2.5, Violation 2C:58-2.5, Offense 2C:58-2.5

Disclaimer: A copy of this statute has been provided for your information. This wording was current from the NJ website as of August 2012.

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