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NJ 2C:58-8. Injuries caused by firearms.

Defending NJ 2C:58-8.  Injuries caused by firearms.

After you read the following NJ Criminal Statute (Injuries caused by firearms) you may decide that you need the help of a lawyer, or need a legal interpretation of how this statute applies to your case.  The firm of Villani & DeLuca has experienced criminal lawyers with over 20 years of experience, including a former municipal prosecutor.  Call the number above for a free 24×7 phone consultation.

NJ Statute: 2C:58-8.  Certain wounds and injuries to be reported.

a.  Every case of a wound, burn or any other injury arising from or caused by a firearm, destructive device, explosive or weapon shall be reported at once to the law enforcement agency of the municipality where the person reporting is located  and to the Division of State Police by the physician consulted, attending or treating the case or the  administrator or administrator's designee, whenever such case is presented for treatment or treated in a  general hospital licensed pursuant to P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1 et seq.).
This subsection shall not, however, apply to wounds, burns or injuries received by a member of the armed forces of the United States or the State of New Jersey while engaged in the actual performance of duty.
b.Every case which contains the criteria defined in this subsection shall be reported at once to the  law enforcement agency of the municipality where the person reporting is located, or to the Division of State Police, by the physician consulted, attending, or treating the injury, or by the  administrator or administrator's designee, whenever such case is presented for treatment or treated in a  health care facility licensed pursuant to P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1 et seq.), or an office where medical care is provided.  This subsection shall not apply to injuries received by a member of the armed forces of the United States or the State of New Jersey while engaged in the actual performance of duty.
The defined criteria shall consist of a flame burn injury accompanied by one or more of the following factors:
(1)A fire accelerant was used in the incident causing the injury and the presence of an accelerant creates a reasonable suspicion that the patient committed arson in violation of N.J.S.2C:17-1.
(2)Treatment for the injury was sought after an unreasonable delay of time.
(3)Changes or discrepancies in the account of the patient or accompanying person concerning the cause of the injury which creates a reasonable suspicion that the patient committed arson in violation of N.J.S.2C:17-1.
(4)Voluntary statement by the patient or accompanying person that the patient was injured during the commission of arson in violation of N.J.S.2C:17-1.
(5)Voluntary statement by the patient or accompanying person that the patient was injured during a suicide attempt or the commission of criminal homicide in violation of N.J.S.2C:11-1.
(6)Voluntary statement by the patient or accompanying person that the patient has exhibited fire setting behavior prior to the injury or has received counseling for such behavior.
(7)Any other factor determined by the bureau of fire safety in the Department of Community Affairs from information in the burn patient arson registry established under section 4 of P.L.1991, c.433 (C.52:27D-25d3) to typify a patient whose injuries were caused during the commission of arson in violation of N.J.S.2C:17-1.
amended 1991, c.433, s.1; 2011, c.53, s.1.

AKA: NJ Criminal Charge 2C:58-8, Violation 2C:58-8, Offense 2C:58-8

Disclaimer: A copy of this statute has been provided for your information. This wording was current from the NJ website as of August 2012.

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