The Cost Will Depend on the Facts of Your Case
Often, attorneys are asked the question, “how much will my divorce cost?” The typical response is unfortunately that, “the costs will depend on the facts of your case.” This answer can be unnerving for parties contemplating divorce as they have little reference point to compare the issues in their divorce versus another typical marriage. Still, the answer is the best answer most divorce attorneys can give because the true cost of a divorce in New Jersey is unique to each case and comes with their own specific facts and circumstances.
Divorce Lawyers are Paid on an Hourly Basis at their Hourly Rate
Divorce lawyers are paid on an hourly basis at their stated hourly rate. Divorce lawyers also require an upfront retainer in New Jersey. A retainer is an agreement between the attorney and you that sets forth the nature of services to be performed, costs, expenses, and related matters. Once you and an attorney have entered into this agreement you are said to have “retained” an attorney. The attorney may no longer accept any conflicting employment that would interfere with his ability to provide you his services.
A Typical Fee Retainer
A typical retainer ranges from $3,500 to $7,500 depending on the geographic location of your case filing and the experience of the attorney. If one of the spouses is an owner of a business, certain financial evaluations must typically be made and the divorce process may be more expensive. In the event the parties are not in agreement, are hostile and bitter towards each other (especially regarding parenting time and custody of the children) than that may also drastically increase the cost of a divorce. Our lawyers take pride in advocating for our clients' best interests in the present and future. We understand that arguing for arguments sake is counterproductive to the goal of any divorce. That goal being your freedom and ability to move forward with your life after receiving your fair share of marital benefits.
What a Good Divorce Attorney Will Do
A good divorce attorney will encourage you to be as open and communicative with your spouse as possible. For some people our firm recommends divorce mediation as a cost effective alternative to litigated divorce proceeding. Some divorce mediators do not require an upfront retainer and they agree to bill for their time as they work on the file. In the case of an Uncontested Divorce in New Jersey, wherein the parties are basically in agreement on any and all issues, the cost of the divorce should not be more than an few thousand dollars for each person. It is also quite common for Uncontested Divorce proceedings to be completed within three (3) to four (4) months after beginning.
Call Villani & DeLuca for Divorce Help
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of the divorce procedure in the State of New Jersey, including the costs of obtaining a divorce in New Jersey, Please contact one (1) of the three (3) divorce attorneys at Villani & DeLuca, P.C. Our divorce attorneys have over 50 years of experience handling divorce cases in Ocean and Monmouth Counties. The Divorce Lawyers at Villani & DeLuca, P.C. offer a free initial consultation. We will be able to discuss with you all aspects of a divorce filing. Please call today at (732) 709-7757.
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