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Marijuana Possession Lawyers in Seaside Heights NJ

Qualified Seaside Heights Marijuana Possession Defense Attorneys Will Fight for You

A marijuana charge in New Jersey can be a big issue if it is not handled properly. Do not leave room for the possibility of a conviction for marijuana possession or distribution. Although medical marijuana is allowed and may be used by certain individuals, the pot laws still are in full effect for the bulk of people in New Jersey. If you have been arrested for marijuana possession, your Seaside Heights, New Jersey attorney can help you through the legal process.

Have a Better Understanding of New Jersey Marijuana Laws

According to New Jersey laws, marijuana is classified as a Controlled Dangerous Substance. The amount of weed discovered on you will dictate the penalties you may receive. More than 49 grams of pot can warrant a less severe charge such as disorderly persons. However, if you do find yourself arrested in possession of 50 grams or more of marijuana, it can lead to a felony charge.

Being in possession of large quantities of marijuana will often times lead to in charges besides simple possession. this marijuana. Your attorney will fight to get your intent to sell charges in Seaside Heights downgraded to possession or dropped.

Experienced NJ Marijuana Possession Lawyers

With experience disputing drug charges as a criminal defense lawyer and securing drug charges as a former prosecutor, Carmine Villani, Esq. can assist you with your marijuana possession or distribution offenses. Villani & DeLuca opened in 1996 and has been fighting pot allegations for New Jersey's accused ever since.

Marijuana Charges

{Your marijuana charges depend on how much marijuana you were in possession of, where your arrest took place and what law enforcement believes you were attempting to do with the illegal drugs in your possession.|Marijuana charges can be severe or basically insignificant depending on the geography of your arrest, the weight of marijuana and what the arresting officer and the prosecutor believes your intentions were (intent to sell or recreational use).

Possession of Marijuana

A conviction of pot possession of fewer than 50 grams can trigger sentences ofup to half a year months in jail and a maximum fine of $1000. However, the sentence can be as many as 18 months in prison with a maximum fine of $25,000, when the amount of pot get beyond 50 grams.

Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Distribute

Distribution is extremely serious charge in New Jersey. Distribution of only an ounce of marijuana or less may earn a max prison term of 18 months and a fine that reaches $10,000 for a conviction. If you are ruled to be guilty of distributing or the intent to distribute in the first degree, your penalties can be as steep as a twenty-year jail term and a $300,000 fine.

School Zones and Public Parks

All pot-related accusations will be heightened if the crime happens in a location labeled by NJ rule as a protected zone. These protected zones comprise public parks and school zones. A school zone legally extends 1,000 feet from labeled buildings owned by the school district. Greater charges will still occur even if school is not in session and no minors are in the vicinity. Distributing drugs in or near a school is particularly serious. There are extenuating circumstances to this law, however, an experienced NJ defense attorney can claim that the mandatory minimum sentence is not applicable.

Medicinal Marijuana

NJ does have a medicinal marijuana program, but it is extremely limited in the sense that few people qualify for it. Although you might be allowed to use medical marijuana somewhere else in the United States, NJ's medicinal marijuana program does not include many illnesses. While some states have extremely lenient medical marijuana policies, New Jersey does not. Only serious illnesses may result in medical marijuana exceptions.

Villani & DeLuca is Here for You All Day, Every Day for Legal Advice

To handle your marijuana charges in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, contact Villani & DeLuca criminal defense attorneys. You can also speak with a Villani & DeLuca defense lawyer at (732) 709-7757 for a free-of-charge legal consultation. Our New Jersey marijuana defense lawyers are available 24 hours a day, each day of the year.

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