Qualified Mantoloking Marijuana Possession Defense Lawyers Will Fight for You
If you do not have the right legal representation, weed charges may create a big issue. NJ has tough pot laws and penalties for possession and distribution. Although medical marijuana is legal and may be used by particular individuals, the pot laws still apply to the majority of citizens in NJ. If you have been arrested for marijuana possession, your Mantoloking, NJ lawyer can assist you through the legal process.
Know the Law, Evade Marijuana Allegations in New Jersey
New Jersey considers marijuana a Schedule 1 Controlled Dangerous Substance. Less than 50 grams is a disorderly persons offense, but a larger amount may create felony charges.
Even if you have a moderately insignificant amount of pot on your person, you may still be charged with intent to distribute. The state will occasionally charge you with the intent to sell, which is treated the same as being arrested in the act of actually distributing pot. Typically, the intent to distribute is a more severe charge than possession. A Mantoloking criminal defense attorney can help get your distribution charges lessened to possession.
Experienced New Jersey Marijuana Possession Lawyers
The lawyers of Villani & DeLuca have been fighting marijuana-related charges in NJ since the law firm opened its doors in 1996. Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. has been practicing law since 1992 and focuses on protecting clients against criminal offenses such as possession and distribution of pot. He has also worked as as municipal prosecutor and public defender in New Jersey, giving him a unique advantage when fighting criminal allegations.
Marijuana Charges and Penalties Our Experienced New Jersey Defense Lawyers Will Dispute
{The severity of the accusations that may be filed you in the state vary depending on the specifics of your individual case, like the amount of marijuana found on your person, where the arrest occurred and the intent perceived by law enforcement and the state.|Were you taken into custody for a large quantity of marijuana in your possession? Based on the circumstances surrounding your arrest
Possession of Marijuana
Your marijuana possession charges in NJ can putyou in prison for six months with a $1,000 fine, even if the amount of marijuana is lower than 50 grams. If your marijuana possession exceeds 50 grams, you can face with a prison sentence that is up to 18 months and a much heftier fine of $25,000.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Sell Marijuana
Penalties for the intent to sell are typically more wide-ranging than consequences for basic possession is in New Jersey. Distribution of less than an ounce of pot is a fourth degree crime and can lead to penalties of a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison and $10,000 in fines. If you are found guilty of distributing or the intent to sell in the first degree, your consequences can be as severe as a twenty-year jail term and a $300,000 fine.
School Zones and Public Parks
A protected zone includes school property like town-operated buildings and vehicles and public parks. A punishment is heightened when the arrest occurred in a protected zone in NJ. Ask a NJ defense attorney to clarify your rights and options if you were charged with selling marijuana in a protected zone in Mantoloking, NJ.
Medicinal Marijuana
NJ does have a medical marijuana program, but it is very regulated in the sense that not many people qualify for it. Although you may be qualified for medical marijuana somewhere else in the United States, NJ's medicinal marijuana program does not include many illnesses. The medical marijuana laws of New Jersey are usually more tough than similar medical marijuana states around the country. Only serious illnesses can result in medicinal marijuana exemptions.
Villani & DeLuca is Here for You All Day, Every Day for Legal Assistance
Were you charged with possession of marijuana or intent to sell in Mantoloking, NJ? Ask NJ marijuana attorneys for legal assistance with a free consultation by calling Villani & DeLuca at (732) 709-7757.