Experienced Lavallette Marijuana Distribution and Possession Defense Lawyers
Marijuana laws in NJ are rigid and may result in a number of penalties and punishments. Possession and distribution penalties differ in harshness, but both kinds of pot charges require the help of a lawyer. Make sure you have a good defense by hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney in Lavallette, New Jersey. Make sure you are aware of your rights and how to defend yourself against the prosecution with the help of a NJ marijuana defense lawyer.
Understand the Law, Evade Marijuana Charges in NJ
Marijuana is considered a Controlled Dangerous Substance in NJ. Charges such as possession of a CDS depend upon the weight of pot discovered when you were arrested. 50+ grams of pot can warrant a less severe charge like disorderly persons. But, possession of amounts of marijuana over 50 grams is a felony.
If you are arrested in owning marijuana (this can be a smaller amount than 50 grams), charges often go beyond beyond simple possession. The state will occasionally charge you with the intent to distribute, which is treated the same as being caught in the act of physically selling marijuana. Usually, the intent to distribute is a more severe charge than possession. A Lavallette criminal defense attorney can fight to have your distribution allegations lessened to possession.
New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers With a Background Fighting Marijuana Charges
Since opening in 1996, Villani & DeLuca criminal defense lawyers have argued for the rights of clients disputing drug charges, such as marijuana possession and distribution. Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. has been representing clients since 1992 and focuses on protecting clients against criminal offenses like possession and distribution of pot. Mr. Villani is a previous municipal prosecutor and will leverage his background to bolster your defense, so that it is as solid as possible.
Marijuana Charges Our Experienced NJ Defense Attorneys Will Fight
{The seriousness of the charges that can be brought against you in NJ vary depending on the circumstances of your individual case, such as the amount of marijuana discovered on your person, the location of your arrest and the intentions perceived by police and the state.|Marijuana charges can be serious or basically insignificant depending on where the arrest occurred, the amount of marijuana and if the arresting officer and the prosecutor believes your intent was (distribution or recreational use).
Possession of Marijuana
Marijuana possession in New Jersey of fewer than 50 grams can be sentenced with jail terms of up to 6 months and fines that reach upwards $1,000. Possession of marijuana in measures of greater than 50 grams is more serious and can generate a $25,000 fine and as much as a 1.5 year prison sentence.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Sell Marijuana
All marijuana distribution allegations are felonies by law in New Jersey with a guilty verdict, but the consequences coupled with these charges range in seriousness. A conviction of marijuana distribution in the first degree is so strict that the defendant can receive twenty years incarceration and a maximum fine that reaches up to $300,000.
School Zones and Public Parks
A protected zone is public property like town-operated buildings and vehicles and public parks. A punishment is enhanced when the arrest occurred in a protected zone in NJ. Ask a New Jersey defense lawyer to clarify your rights and potential strategies if you were charged with selling marijuana in a protected zone in Lavallette, NJ.
Medical Marijuana
Certain people are permitted to use medical marijuana in NJ. However, New Jersey doesn't recognize people who have been allowed to use medical marijuana by other states. To become approved for medicinal marijuana in NJ, you need to acquire a doctor's recommendation for a serious illness like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease or a life threatening illness if the doctor has decided on a prognosis of less than one year of life.
Villani & DeLuca is Available 24/7 for Legal Advice
Were you charged with marijuana possession or distribution in Lavallette, New Jersey? Villani & DeLuca can assist. Contact our NJ marijuana criminal defense attorneys for a free consultation at (732) 709-7757.