Experienced Beach Haven Marijuana Possession Defense Lawyers Will Protect Your Rights
Ignoring marijuana laws in NJ may lead to substantial penalties depending on the scope of the crime. Possession and distribution consequences differ in severity, but both kinds of pot charges necessitate the help of an attorney. If you were charged with possession or any other marijuana-related charges in the state of New Jersey, you need to strengthen your case with the assistance of a qualified law firm serving Beach Haven. Make sure you know your rights and how to protect yourself against the prosecution with the help of a NJ marijuana defense lawyer.
Have a Better Understanding of NJ Marijuana Laws
Marijuana is a Controlled Dangerous Substance in New Jersey, which means that the penalties are often severe. Less than 50 grams can be a disorderly persons offense, however larger amounts may warrant felony charges.
Possession is one thing, but distribution charges are even more serious. this illegal drug. An experienced lawyer who serves Beach Haven, NJ may help you fight your charges if there is any inquiry of your true intent.
Experienced NJ Marijuana Possession Attorneys
Since opening in 1996, Villani & DeLuca marijuana possession lawyers have argued for the rights of clients disputing drug charges, such as marijuana possession and distribution. Carmine Villani, Esq. is a defense lawyer with a background in protecting clients fighting drug charges. He has also served as municipal prosecutor and public defender in New Jersey, giving him a unique advantage when battling criminal charges.
Marijuana Charges Our Experienced New Jersey Defense Attorneys Will Dispute
{Your marijuana charges depend on how much marijuana you were in possession of, where your arrest took place and what law enforcement believes you were attempting to do with the illegal drugs in your possession.|Were you taken into custody for a large amount of marijuana in your possession? Based on the unique situation of your arrest
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of 50 grams or lower of marijuana can offer a prison sentence of up to six months and a $1,000 fine. If your marijuana possession exceeds 50 grams, you can get stuck with a prison sentence that is a maximum of 18 months along with a much bigger fine of $25,000.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Distribute
All pot distribution charges are felonies by law in New Jersey with a guilty verdict, but the consequences coupled with these charges range in severity. First degree marijuana distribution charges that end in a conviction are so severe that the defendant can face twenty years incarceration and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.
School Zones and Public Parks
All pot-related charges will be heightened if the crime happens in a location designated by New Jersey laws as a protected zone. These protected zones include public parks and school zones. School zones are defined as any land rented or owned by an elementary school, middle school, high school or school board and include land as far as 1,000 feet from these buildings as well as school buses. School does not need to be in session for an arrest in a school zone to apply to your charges. Selling marijuana in or near a school is especially serious. There are extenuating circumstances to this law, however, a qualified New Jersey marijuana possession lawyer can argue that the mandatory minimum sentence does not apply.
Medicinal Marijuana
Certain people are allowed to use medical marijuana in New Jersey. However, New Jersey does not recognize defendants who have been approved to use medical marijuana by other state governments. Only serious health conditions or a terminal illness may substantiate a medical marijuana allowance in New Jersey.
Villani & DeLuca is Here for You 24/7 for Legal Advice
Have you been charged with possession of marijuana or intent to sell in Beach Haven, New Jersey? Villani & DeLuca can assist. Contact our New Jersey marijuana criminal defense lawyers for a free consultation at (732) 709-7757.