Qualified Sea Bright Marijuana Possession Defense Lawyers Will Protect Your Rights
If you do not have the right legal help, weed charges will be a big issue. Do not risk a conviction for pot possession or distribution. Even with the permitted use of medical marijuana (under very specific and controlled situations), NJ will prosecute people arrested for using, selling and growing weed. If you have been arrested for pot possession, your Sea Bright, New Jersey lawyer can help you through the legal steps.
Have a Better Understanding of New Jersey Marijuana Laws
Marijuana is a Controlled Dangerous Substance in New Jersey, which means that the penalties are often severe. If you have control of over 50 grams of marijuana on you when you are arrested, it will result in felony charges.
Being in possession of large quantities of marijuana will often times result in charges besides simple possession. An arrest for marijuana possession can turn into attempt to sell depending on the amount in your possession and what police determine your purposes were. An experienced attorney serving Sea Bright, NJ can assist your fight against these charges if there is any question as to your true intent.
New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers With a Background Disputing Marijuana Charges
As a previous municipal prosecutor and public defender, Carmine Villani, Esq. has unique experience for a marijuana criminal defense attorney. Villani & DeLuca opened in 1996 and has been battling weed charges for clients ever since.
Marijuana Laws in NJ
{The seriousness of the charges that can be filed you in NJ alter depending on the specifics of your arrest, like the total marijuana discovered on your person, the location of your arrest and the intentions perceived by law enforcement and the state.|Marijuana charges can be severe or relatively insignificant depending on where the arrest occurred, the weight of marijuana and what the officer who arrested you and the prosecutor perceives your intent was (intent to sell or recreational use).
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of 50 grams or fewer of marijuana can offer a prison term of up to six months and a $1,000 fine. In New Jersey, possession of 50+ grams of marijuana may result in an 18-month prison sentence and a maximum fine of $25,000.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Sell Marijuana
All marijuana distribution allegations are felonies by law in NJ with a guilty verdict, but the consequences associated with these charges range in seriousness. For example, a charge in the fourth degree (less than one ounce) can lead to a maximum fine of 10 grand and a prison sentence of up to 18 months, while charge of the first degree would have a maximum sentence of twenty years and a fine of up to $300,000.
School Zones and Public Parks
All marijuana-related charges will be increased if the crime occurs in a site designated by New Jersey rule as a protected zone. These protected zones comprise public parks and school zones. School zones are defined as any land leased or owned by an elementary school, secondary school or school board and include land up to 1,000 feet from these buildings as well as school vehicles. It can be the middle of summer for a protected zone penalty to alter your charges. If you are arrested in a school zone and charged with distribution or the intent to distribute, a prison sentence of at least three years without the possibility of parole can occur. But, you may still be able to argue your charges, with the advice of a marijuana lawyer.
Medicinal Marijuana
New Jersey does have a medicinal marijuana program, but it is very limited in the sense that few people qualify for it. If you are allowed to use medical by another medicinal marijuana program, for instance, which does not necessarily entitle you to medical marijuana use in NJ. The medical marijuana laws of New Jersey tend to be more tough than similar medical marijuana states throughout the country. Only serious conditions may lead to medicinal marijuana exceptions.
Villani & DeLuca is Here for You 24/7 for Legal Advice
Were you charged with marijuana possession or intent to sell in Sea Bright, New Jersey? Villani & DeLuca can assist. Contact our NJ marijuana criminal defense attorneys for a free consultation at (732) 709-7757.