Qualified Roosevelt Marijuana Distribution and Possession Defense Attorneys Will Protect Your Rights
If you do not have the right legal help, weed charges can create a big issue. Do not leave room for the possibility of a conviction for marijuana possession or distribution. Despite the permitted use of medical marijuana (under very specific and controlled situations), New Jersey will prosecute people caught using, selling and growing marijuana. You need a pot defense lawyer serving Roosevelt, NJ, if you have been arrested for marijuana possession, distribution or the intent to distribute.
Have a Better Understanding of NJ Marijuana Charges
According to state laws, marijuana is considered a Controlled Dangerous Substance. Charges such as possession of a CDS like marijuana are dictated by the amount of marijuana found on your person when you were arrested. 50+ grams of weed may call for a less severe charge like disorderly persons. But, if you are arrested in possession of 50 grams or more of marijuana, it may result in a felony charge.
Even if you have a moderately small amount of marijuana in your possession, you may still be charged with intent to distribute. Even if you weren't arrested in the process of selling marijuana, you may be charged with the intent to distribute, which is just as serious. Usually, the intent to sell is a more severe charge than possession. A Roosevelt criminal defense attorney can help get your distribution charges lessened to possession.
Experienced NJ Marijuana Possession Attorneys
With experience disputing drug charges as a criminal defense lawyer and defending drug charges as a former prosecutor, Carmine Villani, Esq. can assist you with your marijuana possession or distribution offenses. The law firm of Villani & DeLuca began in 1996 to help people charged with crimes such as marijuana possession.
Marijuana Charges and Penalties Our Experienced NJ Defense Lawyers Will Argue
{The seriousness of the charges that may be brought against you in the state alter depending on the circumstances of your situation, including the weight of the marijuana found on your person, where the arrest occurred and the intentions perceived by police and the state.|Were you taken into custody for a large quantity of pot in your possession? Dependent upon the circumstances surrounding , including type of drug packaging, presence of drug paraphernalia, and quantities of marijuana, the state may decide to book you for the the intention to sell rather than just possession.
Possession of Marijuana
Your marijuana possession charges in New Jersey can placeyou in prison for six months with a $1,000 fine, even if the amount of marijuana is lighter than 50 grams. If your marijuana possession tops 50 grams, you can get stuck with a prison sentence that is a maximum of 18 months along with a much bigger fine of $25,000.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Sell Marijuana
Marijuana distribution may be a felony, but fines and punishments vary. For instance, a charge in the fourth degree (less than one ounce) can lead to a fine of up to 10 grand and a jail term of up to a year and a half, while a first degree charge would have a maximum sentence of twenty years and a max fine of $300,000.
School Zones and Public Parks
An arrest in a protected zone transforms a lesser penalty into a more severe one. Protected zones are in or near school zones and public parks. School zones are defined as any land rented or owned by an elementary school, secondary school or school board and include land as far as 1,000 feet from these sites as well as school vehicles. It can be the middle of summer for an arrest in a school zone to affect your charges. Distributing marijuana in or near a school is especially serious. There are allowances to this law, however, an experienced New Jersey marijuana attorney can claim that the mandatory minimum sentence does not apply.
Medical Marijuana
New Jersey does have a medical marijuana program, but it is extremely regulated in the sense that few people qualify for it. If you are permitted to use medical by another state, for example, which does not necessarily mean you will be approved by New Jersey. While certain states have very lenient medical marijuana policies, NJ does not. Only serious illnesses can lead to medicinal marijuana exemptions.
Villani & DeLuca is Available 24/7 for Legal Advice
Contact Villani & DeLuca right now if you are fighting marijuana charges in Roosevelt, New Jersey. You may also talk to a criminal defense lawyer for a free consultation with a phone call to (732) 709-7757.