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Child Custody Lawyers in Red Bank NJ

Experienced Red Bank, NJ Child Custody Lawyers for Your Family Law Needs

Negotiating child custody is always the most emotional part of divorce cases for parents or guardians. Every family dynamic is unique, and finding a family law attorney that services Red Bank, New Jersey and works hard for you – and the best interests of your children – is vital. Divorce is never easy for anyone, but it is even harder for kids, who know they are the subject of argument amongst their parents.
You want to shield them from the ugliness of divorce. Yet, you want to balance this with your right to see your child regularly and retain your capacity to raise your child in the way you see fit. Your personal goals and hopes can be obtained with the help of your family law attorney.

Experienced, Family Law Lawyers Put Your Children First

Villani & DeLuca has the resources and knowledge you need for your custodianship struggle in Red Bank, NJ. Our method takes your expectations into evaluation throughout the overall custody dispute and/or divorce.

There are a number of advantages to using Villani & DeLuca's legal services for your child custody struggle, such as:

  • Legal custody and physical custody
  • Joint custody, sole custody, visitation rights, and supervised visitations
  • Custody evaluations
  • Rights of grandparents, including custody and visitation
  • Interstate and intrastate child removal and jurisdictional issues
  • Parenting plans, parenting time modifications and co-parenting issues
  • Separation agreements
  • Collaborative divorces
  • Dissolution of legal partnerships

Vincent DeLuca is certified by the NJ Supreme Court to handle matrimonial law for his clients. He is one of only a small number of Ocean County attorneys to hold this distinction, which is exclusively given to attorneys with background in matrimonial law. The entire Villani & DeLuca legal practics remains up-to-date with New Jersey divorce law, by enrolling in ongoing continuing education workshops and courses on a yearly basis.

Considerations Influencing Custody Cases in New Jersey Courts

The level of care you can give to your dependant will be a sizeable consideration in the determination of the custodial split. Many other factors will also be discussed and evaluated while determining the results of the custody dispute.
We support a decision of bringing in unbiased divorce mediators to help expedite your divorce proceedings. Our divorce and custody lawyers regularly interact with divorce mediators in Red Bank in order to make it possible to reach a custody plan that both parties can agree to follow. We actually have seasoned mediators at our firm, who enable us to discover alternate or irregular custody arrangements for your individual circumstances.

If both spouses cannot reach an agreement, a NJ judge will decide, based on arguments from both divorce and custody attorneys. In these occurrences, having an experienced divorce lawyer on your side can be the determining factor between seeing your children occasionally, every other weekend or all the time. Don't put your most precious relationship at risk. Obtain legal advice from a Villani & DeLuca family law lawyer.

Contact the Talented Red Bank Divorce Lawyers at Villani & DeLuca

When heading into one of the most vital legal challenges you can imagine, leave nothing up to chance. Talk to the child custody lawyers at Villani & DeLuca at (732) 709-7757 for legal guidance and to protect your parental rights.

Contact Us Today

Villani & DeLuca, P.C. is committed to answering your questions about Divorce & Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DWI & Traffic Law issues in Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
