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Criminal Defense Lawyers in Oceanport NJ

Seasoned Criminal Defense Lawyers in Oceanport, NJ Protect Your Rights

Your opportunities and your way of life will change immediately with a conviction of a criminal charge. prison time, punitive fines, drivers' license suspensions and other probationary sentences can all be enforced if found guilty. With assistance from a qualified criminal defense lawyer in Oceanport, NJ, you may be able to return to the lifestyle you love.

A background fighting criminal charges in New Jersey has made Villani & DeLuca a qualified criminal defense law firm. The criminal defense lawyers at Villani & DeLuca work tirelessly for their clients in and out of the courtroom. Criminal charges are serious, but experienced Oceanport, NJ criminal defense attorneys can make a large impact.
Do not allow criminal charges to affect you perpetually. Contact Villani & DeLuca for a free consultation by calling (732) 709-7757.

NJ Law Firm Villani & DeLuca Will Protect Your Freedoms

Find a defense attorney in Oceanport with a successful track record defending the kinds of charges you are opposing. Our lawyers have been protecting the rights of our clients for years. Every one of our clients' cases is a priority, and we will fight until everything has been settled.

We know that the best defense is a strong offense. Our law firm will fight back against the accusations you are facing, in order to give you the best chance at a better life. A strong defense plan is paramount, and an attorney from Villani & DeLuca will build a plan that is distinct to you.

We Will Fight to …

• Help you with the defense of the rights provided to you by New Jersey and make sure that you do not implicate yourself during questioning by authorities
• Help you negotiate for better bail and bond
• Battle for reduced charges and set up a plea bargain if it is your best option
• Protect your criminal case in court if it needs to go to a trial
• Writing and defending criminal appeals to get prior criminal records overturned
• Demonstrate mitigating factors at sentencing

Your Criminal Defense Lawyer Needs to Have Experience Defending Clients Like You

You have the right to an attorney, but that attorney needs to have the experience required for a qualified defense lawyer. Ask an attorney from Villani & DeLuca to represent you. Our attorneys have been battling felonies and misdemeanors for our clients since 1996 in New Jersey courts.
Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. and Associate Timothy L. Horn, Esq. are veteran criminal law attorneys in NJ. Mr. Villani has practiced as both a municipal prosecutor and municipal public defender in multiple boroughs and communities in Ocean County and Monmouth County, NJ. Before joining Villani & DeLuca, Mr. Horn gained experience as a law clerk for the Superior Court of New Jersey, Ocean County Vicinage, Criminal Division.
You should know what your rights are, and one of the smartest ways to make sure you know what they are is with the guidance and legal assistance of a New Jersey criminal defense attorney. Make cultivated legal decisions according to the advice of our lawyers. Our goal is the same as yours: to have your charges reduced or dropped.
Trust your case with Oceanport, NJ criminal lawyers who have been defending clients from charges including:
• Drug crimes – possession of marijuana, possession of heroin, possession with intent to distribute, possession of prescription (Rx) drugs or controlled dangerous substances (CDS)
• Simple or Aggravated Assault
• Restraining orders
• Providing alcohol to minors
• Shoplifting
• Weapons possession
• Disorderly persons
• Juvenile crimes
Were you arrested and charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey? You should call Villani & DeLuca.

Reach Out to a Villani & DeLuca Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Your future could partially hinge on winning your case. Even when the odds seem too tough, a criminal defense lawyer will help you see a solution. If you were charged recently, get in touch with our attorneys at Villani & DeLuca today. Defense attorneys at Villani & DeLuca are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist with any criminal charge you may face. Get qualified legal advice with a free consultation with one no-hassle phone call to (732) 709-7757.

Contact Us Today

Villani & DeLuca, P.C. is committed to answering your questions about Divorce & Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DWI & Traffic Law issues in Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
