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Heroin Possession Lawyers in Monmouth Beach NJ

New Jersey Heroin Possession Defense Lawyers Will Fight For You

Heroin has become extremely prevalent in New Jersey, and because of the availability of the drug, New Jersey has enacted tougher legislation in order to fight it. Heroin possession and distribution are both serious crimes with serious punishments.

Heroin is pervasive and not limited to one demographic or vicinity. Located at a hub of the heroin import industry, New Jersey is flooded with some of the purest and most affordable heroin in the nation, which significantly plays a role in the pervasive usage throughout the state.
An alleged heroin crime can have life-long consequences and demands a tough legal strategy. Your rights should not be thrown aside just because you have been picked up for alleged heroin distribution or possession.
Talk to Villani & DeLuca drug defense attorneys to get legal assistance if you are arrested in Monmouth Beach, NJ for heroin possession or heroin distribution.

Heroin Arrests According to New Jersey Law (N.J.S.A 2C:35-10)

Heroin possession is a third degree felony in New Jersey and may result in a five-year jail term and a substantial fine of up to $35,000.
Heroin usage has increased rapidly in New Jersey within a very short period of time. A report from the Task Force on Heroin and Other Opiate Use by New Jersey Youths and Young Adults called heroin “the number one health care crisis” in the state. If you are debilitated heroin addiction and have been arrested for possession of heroin, you need a practiced NJ heroin defense lawyer, knowledgeable in defending heroin charges.

NJ Heroin Possession Lawyers with Extensive Experience

Since Villani & DeLuca opened in 1996, partner and founding member Carmine Villani, Esq. has defended individuals charged with drug offenses in NJ. As a past criminal prosecutor, Mr. Villani has legal experience on both sides of criminal cases, which can be leveraged to help your legal strategy.

Protect Yourself from These Serious Heroin Charges

Heroin convictions come with severe sentences, both regarding jail time and potential fines and in terms of employment repercussions. Your criminal history can greatly affect your consequences, from probation, with no criminal record attached, to up to 20 years in jail, with hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.
The amount of heroin found on you and the surroundings of your arrest may factor heavily into determining the severity of penalties. Getting a qualified criminal attorney on your side is a necessity to minimize your sanctions and attain leniency from the prosecution.

Simple Heroin Possession in New Jersey

If you are arrested for possession of heroin, you don't necessarily need to face jail time. A first offense may be eligible for Pretrial Intervention (PTI) if your counsel thinks you qualify. A drug defense attorney may also be able to fight charges based on an infringement of your rights.
Even a relatively small amount of heroin can justify the intent to distribute. If you are convicted of possession with the intent to sell, you can face five years in prison with a max fine of $75,000 and a withdrawn driver's license.

Heroin Distribution and Intent to Distribute Laws in New Jersey

A charge for distribution is no different than a charge for the intent to distribute. Third degree heroin distribution involves less than 0.5 ounces of heroin, while amounts more than 5 ounces be a crime in the first degree. A jail term of between 10 and 20 years and a $500,000 fine may be the result of a first degree heroin conviction.

Heroin Distribution and Possession in or Near a School Zone

The consequences of a heroin-related arrest in a school zone are much more severe. Whether you are aware of it or not, the description of a school zone does not just include buildings. School zones extend 1,000 feet from the school building and vehicles.

Don't Allow Heroin Charges to Ruin Your Life

There are lots of options open to you with the help of an attorney who has fought charges similar to yours in the past. A qualified New Jersey heroin attorney may be able to have your case dismissed, have the charges downgraded or kept off your criminal record.
Without probable cause, a policeman is constricted in what he may search. Seek advice from your drug attorney if you have special circumstances based on your arrest.
If this is your first arrest, conditional discharge is often a smart option for you to pursue. Discharge will permit probation instead, and your record will not be touched.

If you haven't been arrested before, prison time is extremely unlikely if your lawyer and the state agree to a Pretrial Intervention (PTI). The rehabilitation program promotes recovery rather than imprisonment and enables defendants to undergo drug treatment therapy as a way to prevent further drug-related crimes and arrests in New Jersey.

Villani & DeLuca Heroin Defense Attorneys are Ready For Your Call

Need a lawyer?  Villani & DeLuca lawyers will advise you on what they think your best strategy is in court.  Contact Villani & DeLuca by calling (732) 709-7757. New Jersey heroin defense lawyers serving Monmouth Beach, NJ are here to assist.

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