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Heroin Possession Lawyers in Keansburg NJ

Heroin Defense Lawyers in Keansburg, New Jersey Will Fight For You

Heroin has become extremely popular in New Jersey, and because of the abundance of the drug, New Jersey has passed tougher repercussions in order to regulate it. With law enforcement's attention on heroin, more drug users and providers are ending up behind bars.

Heroin's prevalence in New Jersey makes it far more affordable for buyers to purchase, in comparison with the rest of the country. The grade of heroin is also elevated in NJ. Because of the large quantity and strength of the drug, many young people are becoming addicted to heroin in NJ.
An alleged heroin crime can have life-long consequences and demands a tough legal strategy. The law affords you protection, even in the event of severe drug offenses like possession or intent to distribute.
Contact Villani & DeLuca drug defense attorneys to get legal advice if you are up on drug charges in Keansburg, NJ for heroin possession or heroin distribution.

Heroin Arrests Under New Jersey Law (N.J.S.A 2C:35-10)

Heroin possession is a third degree felony in NJ and may result in a five-year prison term and a hefty fine of up to $35,000.
Have you developed an addiction to heroin in NJ? Heroin is destroying the well-being of many teenagers and young adults in New Jersey annually. If you are a heroin addict and have been arrested and charged with a crime, contact a NJ heroin lawyer for help.

NJ Heroin Possession Lawyers with Extensive Experience

Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. has been defending clients for drug possession and distribution crimes since Villani & DeLuca opened in 1996. As a former criminal prosecutor, Mr. Villani has worked on both sides of the court (defense and prosecution), which can be leveraged to help your legal strategy.

Protect Yourself from These Serious Heroin Charges

Convictions for heroin come with harsh repercussions, both regarding jail time and potential fines and in terms of current and future employment opportunities. The consequences for a conviction can be as much as decades in prison for a repeat offender of heroin-related crimes.
Your charges and potential penalties have a lot to do with the circumstances of your arrest. The total number of ounces of heroin found on you at the time of an arrest will factor into whether you receive a possession or distribution charge. Things like school zones also play a major role.

Simple Heroin Possession in NJ

If you are arrested for heroin possession, prison is not inevitable. Your heroin defense attorney can argue for conditional discharge or a Pretrial Intervention (PTI), for first-time offenders. A criminal defense attorney may also be able to fight charges based on a violation of your rights.
It's important to note that possession of any quantity of heroin – even less than a half ounce – that is deemed to warrant the intent to distribute, has much stricter penalties. Heroin possession with the intent to distribute can lead to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $75,000, with license suspension for a period of six months to one year, if convicted.

Heroin Distribution and Intent to Distribute Laws in New Jersey

Possession is not typically as serious as distribution. Just 0.5 ounces of heroin can lead to a charge for the intent to distribute. Intent and actual distribution are treated as the same crime according to NJ state law. You could get up to a five-year sentence and face a $75,000 fine for the intent to sell just 0.5 ounces of heroin. If arrested for attempting to sell more than 5 ounces of heroin, you will be faced with a first degree crime. If found guilty, you will be sentenced to 10-20 years and be required to pay a fine that can be as much as $500,000.

Heroin Distribution and Possession in or Near a School Zone

Fines and other penalties like prison time are increased substantially when the heroin charge occurs in or near a school zone, which includes school buses and extends to areas up to 1,000 feet from the building or vehicle. If you are caught in possession of heroin in a designated school zone, there is a set jail sentence with fines of up to $150,000 if convicted. Your attorney should have successfully fought heroin cases on their resume so that your heroin-related sentence is the best case scenario if found guilty.

Don't Allow Heroin Charges to Destroy Your Life

Irrespective of being arraigned with heroin offenses in New Jersey, you have many options available to pursue with an experienced NJ drug crimes law firm. With a strong defense, your heroin defense attorney can help you get significant results.
Was the search and seizure of the drugs and paraphernalia legally authorized and correct procedure followed? If your rights were offended, you may have reasons for dismissal. Your heroin defense lawyer will be able to the details of your individual arrest.
If this is your first arrest, conditional discharge could be a good route for you to pursue. Discharge will allow you to go on probation instead, and your record will not be touched.

If you haven't been arrested before, jail time is unlikely if your lawyer and the state agree to a Pretrial Intervention (PTI). The rehabilitation program promotes recovery rather than incarceration and allows defendants to undergo drug treatment therapy decrease further drug-related crimes and arrests in New Jersey.

Villani & DeLuca Heroin Possession Attorneys are Available 24/7 in Keansburg

Converse with the legal professionals at Villani & DeLuca in a free discussion in order to discuss your arrest.  We are available at your convenience, night and day.  Start preparing your defense in Keansburg with a phone call to (732) 709-7757.

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Villani & DeLuca, P.C. is committed to answering your questions about Divorce & Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DWI & Traffic Law issues in Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
