Arrested for Drunk Driving? A NJ DWI Attorney Will Help
Driving while intoxicated is viewed as a very serious offense in New Jersey. A DUI or DWI charge can result in substantial repercussions and penalties. If you or a loved one have been accused of DUI, you should have security. A qualified Interlaken, New Jersey DWI attorney can assist you with the most secure legal strategy.
DUI law is a very detailed area of law that necessitates the capabilities of a focused legal practice. The lawyers at Villani & DeLuca possess in-depth experience in the legal background required to successfully defend DUI cases in NJ, and they will assertively fight on your behalf to make sure you get just judgment under the law.
Knowing New Jersey DWI and DUI Regulations
When someone is stopped for suspicion of drinking and driving in New Jersey, law enforcement has the authority to conduct a standardized field sobriety test (SFST) and test the driver for a blood alcohol concentration over the legal limit of 0.08%. and a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or more. A person with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentage of 0.08% or more is considered legally intoxicated in the NJ and if stopped while driving, will be charged with a DWI charge.
Get an Experienced Attorney for Your DWI Charge
Villani & DeLuca, P.C. is a DUI legal practice in NJ that has years of extensive defense of clients who were charged with driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Partner Carmine Villani Esq. is a leading attorney in NJ DUI defense. Mr. Villani has been protecting clients from DWI charges since the law firm opened its doors in 1996.
Alcotest® and Breathalyzer Trained DWI Lawyers
Ony a small number of lawyers in New Jersey have been trained in the Draeger Alcotest® 7110, but Carmine Villani is one of those attorneys. New Jersey law enforcement has moved away from the former Breathalyzer and now uses the Draeger Alcotest® 7110, which is designed to detect blood alcohol percentages more precisely.
Understanding the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST)
The standardized field sobriety test (SFST) is not a scientific process and is not usually enough evidence to charge someone with operating a vehicle intoxicated. However, it can provide reasonable cause for a police officer, which requires the use of a blood alcohol test. Mistakes do take place even with training to conduct standardized field sobriety testing. If the test is administered wrong, it can refute the readings of a breath test and lead to charges being dropped.
Drug-Related DUI Arrests
The amount of drug-related driving detentions are rising in New Jersey. If you have been take into custody on suspicion of DUI, hiring a lawyer trained in drug recognition evaluation (DRE) is important to your case. Mr. Villani undertook the same training as New Jersey police officers in drug recognition evaluation (DRE), giving him exceptional insight into New Jersey DUI/DWI laws and how best to fight them.
How to Challenge Charges With an attorney
If you are convicted of driving while intoxicated, you will face the suspension of a license as well as a maximum fine of $1,000. Interlock ignition devices are also a common requirement for a DUI conviction. Multiple DUI convictions and a high blood alcohol percentage will lead to more severe consequences.
If your blood alcohol concentration reads above the legal limit, it is crucial to have a DUI lawyer on your side. A quality attorney knows that the Alcotest® reading is not always accurate. Were you arrested and charged with a DUI in Interlaken, New Jersey? Make sure you get the experience you need with a DWI law firm like Villani & DeLuca.
Breath Test Refusal
The implied consent law of New Jersey means that you cannot refuse a breath test if there is reasonable cause. Refusing to submit to a breath test creates tough penalties in NJ, with a first offense of breath test refusal resulting in a minimum license revocation of seven months. Drivers found guilty of turning down a breath test can be subject to harsher penalties than people convicted of a DWI with a BAC reading of 0.10% or more.
Probable cause has to be established by a police officer prior to a breath test can be administered. An experienced DUI attorney can help assess if probable cause was founded or determine whether extenuating circumstances, such as a medical condition played a role in your refusal.
How DWI Checkpoints Work in NJ
Did law enforcement recently stop your vehicle at a DWI checkpoint? Officers might have asked you to hand over your license and ask you questions regarding who you are and where you live, which is in their prerogative. If they wanted to know more information, you did not have to respond.
The behavior of the officer who arrested you at a DUI checkpoint may be part of your legal strategy during a trial. A conviction might not occur if the police officer was not operating in agreement with the law.
Get in Touch With Our DWI Attorneys at Villani & DeLuca
The law practice of Villani & DeLuca has been assisting defendants facing DWI charges in the municipal court system of NJ since 1996. Know someone who was charged with DWI in Interlaken, NJ? Tell them to contact Villani & DeLuca. It's important that you know what your rights are when facing serious, life-changing charges like DWIs and DUIs. Get what you need from a lawyer who has experience in DWI law.
If you need a DUI attorney, dial (732) 709-7757 any time of day for a free consultation with an attorney from Villani & DeLuca.