Have a Say in Your Own Settlement with a Howell Divorce Mediator
Divorce is not often easy for anyone involved, particularly in multi-year marriages or if children were involved. Airing out your personal grievances and family squabbles will just make things worse. Fortunately, a substitute for conventional divorce is recognized in NJ: divorce mediation. Divorce mediation is usually helpful for couples seeking a healthier divorce.
In many instances, mediation is required by a court for NJ spouses dealing with divorce. Although divorce mediation can be court ordered, it is frequently the favored method for many people.
Mediators do not favor one person in lieu of another during divorce mediation. Mediators are required by the state to remain objective, addressing both spouse's priorities the same.
Every couple is unique, from financial assets to family values to child-rearing philosophies. When you are looking for a mediator in New Jersey, getting one who has the experience, flexibility and abilities you need is crucial.
Mediation Attorneys Serving Howell, NJ Have the Right Experience
One of just a handful of Matrimonial Law Attorneys certified by the NJ Supreme Court, Partner Vincent DeLuca, Esq. has been specially trained as a court-approved Family Law Mediator and Economic Mediator. As a Rule 1:40 Family Law Mediator, Mr. DeLuca has been trained in divorce mediation, managing conflict and assisting clients with the negotiations and problem solving they need to resolve family disagreements and quarrels. He is also one of the founding members of the Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group, which was formed to promote collaborative solutions outside of the court room.
We have experienced divorce mediators at Villani & DeLuca who understand that a divorce should be a new beginning for both spouses. Give yourself a chance to move on with your life, with the help of Villani & DeLuca.
How Divorce Mediation Works
A divorce mediator has to work under particular legal guidelines in order for you to come to terms. Once a mediator is chosen by the spouses looking to divorce, investments and domestic issues are considered. Then each side cooperates with the help of the lawyer in order to come to a consensus.
When you agree on the terms of a divorce, they will be included in a Memorandum of Understanding. The capacity to come to terms with your partner with the help of lawyers and mediators is what makes divorce mediation work. Terms set in the memorandum help court proceedings reach a quicker ending.
Generally speaking there are two chief areas where a divorce mediator spends their efforts: financial issues and custodial issues.
A Mediator Makes Financial Disputes Simple
Married people who leave each other often find that financial issues can create major complications during a divorce. A few of the particular financial issues a mediator will work to facilitate are spousal support, property allocation and division of investments.
Mediators Ensure Fair Custody Arrangements
Fighting with a spouse over child custody can be upsetting. The good news is that Villani & DeLuca can help you find a resolution. Mediators will help you resolve the issue by fighting for the best possible outcome for you and your children.
Advantages to Using a Divorce Mediator in NJ
See below to get an idea of the kind of work Villani & DeLuca will do for our clients during mediation:
– Objective solutions that are fair to everyone involved
– Confidentiality in private matters. Nothing said in private is permissible in court, so people are able to discuss openly and honestly in order to meet their goals
– Mediation tends to generate less stress for both spouses and their children, because the goal is to work for a solution together
– Co-parenting and collaboration is promoted, protecting the best interests of the kids involved
– Mediated agreements can incorporate imaginative solutions to complex clashes and are more likely to be observed since they were mutually agreed upon
Resolve Your Divorce Peacefully with Trusted NJ Divorce Mediators
Reach out to Villani & DeLuca if you decide to go with private divorce mediation. We want to make sure you and your spouse reach a fair decision. Call (732) 709-7757 for a mediator serving Howell