Get Compensated for Your Suffering. Speak to a Personal Injury Attorney in Hazlet, NJ
A severe injury can affect your professional and personal life for lengthy amounts of time. Negligence, automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents and other serious injuries can cause major concerns, that may include inability to work, pain and suffering, medical bills and even an early demise.
Did someone else's actions (or inaction) lead to a major affliction that is affecting your life regularly? There is hope for you and those who depend on you. The individual to blame can be held accountable with the help of your personal injury lawyer. Do not carry the obligation of paying your own expenses and doctor bills while you are dealing with an injury that was inflicted upon you by a third party.
Finding the culpable party is paramount when you are hurt and miss work because of someone else's actions. A lawyer from Villani & DeLuca will make an effort to have the liable party accept responsibility.
Hire an Accident Lawyer to Work Hard on Your Behalf
Need an injury attorney for a personal injury claim in Hazlet, New Jersey? An experienced lawyer can make a significant difference. Since 1996, Villani & DeLuca has been representing clients who have endured a range of injuries.
Get a lawyer who knows the inner workings of personal injury law. You won't have to contend with insurance companies, and an attorney can even help you reach a settlement so that you do not have to go to court.
Personal Injury Cases We Represent
There are many kinds of incidents that constitute a personal injury claim. Speak with a personal injury lawyer ASAP if you were injured because of negligence. These are just a sampling of the personal injury cases Villani & DeLuca can help with. Be sure to talk to one of our personal injury lawyers if you have been hurt in a way that is not specified below to find out if it warrants financial compensation.
Car Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common, and serious, personal injury claims that occur. The extent of an injury caused by a automobile accident will vary, but claims do not have to be restricted to life threatening situations. The repercussions of your accident, both mind and body, will be considered in a settlement.
Trip and Fall or Premises Liability
If you are injured because of someone's failure to uphold their property or a lack of maintenance on the premises of a company, you may be able to get compensation. It is the responsibility of the property owner to make his or her property as safe as possible.
Workers' Compensation
Have you been the victim of a work-related injury? Workers compensation could be the answer you require. Do not feel responsible, even if your job is incredibly risky. Your decreased income and medical bills should be handled by your or by its insurance plan.
Dog Bites and Dog Attacks
In accordance with New Jersey's dog bite statute, if a dog bites someone, the owner is automatically responsible for any hurt caused. Demonstrating owner negligence is not needed. Your case is dependent upon the ability to show that the dog did bite you. Contact your personal injury attorney to learn more about dog bite laws in New Jersey.
Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. has been representing dog bite victims for many years. Mr. Villani has instructed other attorneys on the dog bite statutes during professional classes.
Wrongful Death
Have you recently lost someone dear to you in an accident? Although there is no solution for your pain, you should receive restitution for your losses. The party that is responsible for a wrongful death must be punished.
Head Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injuries
A head trauma may develop consequences that linger. Both physical and psychological symptoms are proven to result from brain damage. If you suffered from a traumatic head trauma caused by medical malpractice, negligence or deliberate misconduct, consult with a brain injury attorney right away to ensure maximum financial compensation.
Pool Injuries
A pool should be safe and adequately maintained by the owner of the property. Compensation should be paid by the owner of a pool if they have failed to keep it safe. Use a lawyer with personal injury experience.
Villani & DeLuca Personal Injury Lawyers are Here 24/7 for Hazlet Clients
Get in touch with one of our personal injury lawyers today. Compensation can ease your burden. You can reach us at (732) 709-7757.