Heroin Defense Lawyers in Bradley Beach, New Jersey Will Work to Clear Your Charges
There is a heroin epidemic in New Jersey. As heroin fatalities and overdoses increase, NJ authorities are re-prioritizing their attention on heroin offenses, implementing some of the harshest penalties in the nation.
With substantial amounts of heroin entering the NJ streets, heroin has become easier to buy and more toxic. Heroin in New Jersey even tends to be purer than typical heroin product across the US. These two factors lead to a dangerous mix that is creating heroin ODs.
A heroin possession or distribution arrest needs to be taken seriously and demands a tough legal strategy. The law affords you protection, even in the event of serious drug offenses like possession or distribution.
Contact Villani & DeLuca criminal defense lawyers to get legal support if you are arrested in Bradley Beach, NJ for heroin possession or intent to distribute heroin.
Heroin Charges According to New Jersey Law (N.J.S.A 2C:35-10)
Being convicted of heroin possession can lead to large fines and 5 years prison time.
Heroin usage has grown swiftly in New Jersey within a very small time frame. A study from the Task Force on Heroin and Other Opiate Use by New Jersey Youths and Young Adults named heroin “the number one health care crisis” in New Jersey. Your NJ drug lawyer ought to have past experience dealing with heroin charges.
NJ Drug Possession Lawyers with Extensive Experience
Since Villani & DeLuca began in 1996, partner and founding member Carmine Villani, Esq. has represented individuals charged with drug crimes in New Jersey. As a former criminal prosecutor, Mr. Villani has worked on both sides of the court (defense and prosecution), which can make a big difference in your defense.
Protect Yourself from These Serious Heroin Charges
You can't gamble with facing heroin charges and the resulting sentence without support from an experienced attorney. Your chances of obtaining employment will also be negatively impacted if convicted for heroin possession. The rest of your life can be much brighter if you can decrease the charges.
Your charges and potential penalties have a lot to do with the variables of your arrest. Your level of heroin charge is partially derived from the quantity of heroin on or around you when you are caught. Your case may be complicated if you were caught in possession of heroin in a designated school zone.
Simple Heroin Possession in NJ
A prison sentence is not unavoidable. Your criminal defense lawyer can argue for conditional discharge or a Pretrial Intervention (PTI), for first-time offenders. There are other defensible charges as well, including arrests made through unlawful search and seizure, which a skillful criminal defense lawyer can help determine.
However, possession of any amount of heroin – even less than a half ounce – that is determined to constitute the intent to sell, has much stricter penalties. Selling heroin carries larger fines, longer prison terms and a revocation of your license.
Heroin Distribution and Intent to Distribute Laws in New Jersey
Distribution of heroin comes with more extreme penalties than simple possession. Just a half ounce of heroin can result in a charge for the intent to distribute. Intent and actual distribution are treated as the same crime according to NJ state law. You could get up to a five-year sentence and be served a $75,000 fine for the intent to sell just a half ounce of heroin. Possession ofquantities more than five ounces with intent to distribute, including any adulterants or dilutants, is a crime in the first degree. There is a mandatory prison term of 10 to 20 years, and a fine of up to half a million dollars upon conviction.
Heroin Distribution and Possession in or Near a School Zone
Arrests in school zones are considered much more severe than otherwise. If you are caught in possession of heroin in a designated school zone, there is a fixed imprisonment sentence with fines of up to $150,000 if convicted. Your lawyer should have a background in drug crimes so that your heroin charges are kept to a minimum in the event of a conviction.
Don't Permit Heroin Charges to Devastate Your Life
Irrespective of being arrested and charged with heroin offenses in New Jersey, you have choices. Talk to a skilled heroin lawyer in NJ. With a solid defense, your heroin defense lawyer can help you get significant results.
Was the search and seizure of the drugs and paraphernalia legally authorized and correct procedure followed? If your rights were violated, you may have a case against the state. The criminal defense lawyer you hire will highlight any incorrect procedures that led to your arrest.
Conditional discharge is a helpful solution for many first-time offenders of heroin possession. You will be placed on probation and your criminal record will remain unrevised.
If you haven't been arrested before, jail time is unlikely if your lawyer and the prosecution agree to a Pretrial Intervention (PTI). The rehabilitation program promotes recovery rather than imprisonment and allows defendants to undergo drug treatment therapy decrease further drug-related crimes and arrests in NJ.
Villani & DeLuca Heroin Possession Lawyers are Available 24/7 in Bradley Beach
Are you seeking a lawyer? Contact Villani & DeLuca today to learn about how to fight your heroin charges in New Jersey. Contact Villani & DeLuca by calling (732) 709-7757. Our law firm will ?aggressively defend? charges you are facing in Bradley Beach, New Jersey today.