My Son or Daughter Has Been Arrested for Drug Possession: Now What?
If your son or daughter, under the age of 18, has been arrested for drug possession in New Jersey, it's natural to feel angry, frustrated and scared about their immediate and long term future. No parent is ever prepared for that dreaded phone call stating their child has been arrested. But the best thing you can do in this situation is to contact an Ocean County criminal or drug defense lawyer experienced in the juvenile justice system as well as drug possession laws. The Villani & DeLuca P.C. juvenile possession drug defense lawyers are experienced in juvenile criminal law and have been defending New Jersey teenagers since 1996.
Juvenile Drug Possession Charges (N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10)
Common juvenile drug possession charges issued in Monmouth and Ocean County include the unlawful possession of marijuana, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10A(4). As well as the unlawful possession of cocaine, heroin (N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(1)) and prescription drugs (N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10.5). Different degrees of these crimes lead to different penalties– some are considered much more serious than others. Talk with an experienced Ocean County drug lawyer for details on your particular case.
It's important to note that a police officer doesn't have to actually see your son or daughter in possession of a drug, even if they are just in a vehicle with friends who have drugs on them, they can be arrested. Contact Villani & DeLuca P.C. juvenile drug and criminal defense attorneys in Ocean County to fight for your case and read on to better understand the possible consequences of a juvenile drug arrest and what options are available for your teenager.
Understanding Juvenile Law (N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-23)
If a youth under the age of 18 is alleged to be delinquent for an offense that would be considered a criminal act if it was committed by an adult, many things can happen. Delinquency, under the law N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-23, is defined as the following if committed by an adult:
• A criminal act
• A disorderly persons offense or petty disorderly persons offense
• Violating any other penal statute, regulation or ordinance
Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. is familiar with the intricacies and complexities of the Juvenile Justice System. He will work hard to ensure that your son or daughter receives a sentence focused on rehabilitation, rather than punishment.
Future Consequences
In addition to criminal charges, your child may experience even more serious consequences that impact his or her future. As a student, he or she may face disciplinary action by the school, including suspension from classes or expulsion. Your child may be evicted and barred from college housing. A juvenile delinquency finding may even make your child ineligible for financial aid and future job applications.
Improve Your Child's Expungement Petition with an Experienced Ocean County Drug Attorney
Contrary to popular belief, juvenile records are not automatically erased once the juvenile reaches maturity and can, in fact, become a part of a permanent criminal record. The good news is that the State of New Jersey offers the chance to have criminal records expunged for certain offenses after a specific waiting period. So, in order to minimize collateral consequences for your child, the crime needs to be expunged in court in order to “disappear”.
Protect Your Child with an Experienced Juvenile Criminal Lawyer in Monmouth and Ocean County
Whether your child has been charged with drug distribution or possession, theft, bullying, trespassing, criminal mischief, or underage drinking, the damage to their lives can be permanent. If your child has been accused of criminal activity or if they have been arrested for drug possession, it is vital to contact the Ocean County-based Villani & DeLuca criminal and drug defense attorneys immediately to get the legal help you need. Without the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer, your child could face more serious consequences associated with a drug crime including long-term incarceration. Call today at 732-709-7757 for your free initial consultation to help your child move on to a better future.
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