New Jersey legislators and law enforcement have been working together to target a new dangerous fad called “knockout games”. This violent game involves the action of knocking down random people in public with one blow, usually by punching or jumping them. It is not motivated by any criminal intent, such as robbery, or by any personal vendetta. The popularization of such games place innocent citizens in great danger.
In December, a law which would make taking part in knockout games punishable by a minimum prison sentence was proposed to the New Jersey Legislature. It has been proposed that those who cause a person to lose consciousness through participation in this type of knockout game serve at least one third to one half of the 3-5 year prison sentence recommended for a third-degree aggravated assault.
Normally, a third-degree aggravated assault charge comes with the possibility of jail time, left to the discretion of the judge. However, if one is convicted of a “knockout game” aggravated assault should this law be passed, he or she will get an automatic minimum jail sentence before being eligible for parole.
Such tough measures are a reaction to tragic cases, such as the random attack of a homeless man by 3 youths in Hoboken, NJ on September 10, 2013. The man died as a result of his injuries, and the teens were subsequently charged with murder. Deaths due to injuries sustained from knockout game punches have occurred in other states as well, with the assailants or witnesses posting videos of the incidents on video sharing websites. Sponsors of the bill insist that the cowardly nature of these acts, combined with the typically unrepentant reactions of the perpetrators require severe punitive measures. It is unlikely that the bill will be approved during this current season, but co-sponsor Assemblyman Ronald Dancer plans to reintroduce it once the new session convenes on January 14th.
If you find yourself charged with assault, whether it be simple or aggravated in nature, contact the experienced NJ criminal defense team at Villani & DeLuca. Our assault lawyers in NJ offer free consultations, so call (732) 709-7757 today to discuss your circumstances.
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