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New Jersey Divorce Forms

Posted by Vincent C. DeLuca | Apr 06, 2012 | 0 Comments

NJ Divorce Forms: You Get What You Pay For


The Self-Help Center of the New Jersey Courts website has detailed information about court forms and filing procedures.  Information about divorce filings can be found under “Family Division”, which will direct you to the Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ) Law Guide.  The LSNJ's “Divorce in New Jersey: A Self-Help Guide” has all the necessary forms for filing pro se (without a lawyer), and instructions on how to fill out the forms.  However, one should be careful when using any standard forms without having the benefit to discuss the specifics of your case with a qualified divorce lawyer.
A New Jersey divorce complaint is comprised of many forms that have to do with issues such as alimony, equitable distribution, child custody, health insurance coverage and retirement accounts.  There are also certifications that must be filed with your complaint, and kept up to date to account for any changes that occur prior to the finalization of the divorce.  The complex legal terminology in these forms can be overwhelming for most people, and it is easy to make mistakes or leave out critical information. For this reason, the New Jersey Courts system advises: “You are strongly advised to have an attorney represent you. This is particularly true if you must make decisions as to property, custody, visitation and support.”
Keep in mind that court staff cannot assist you with filling out forms, or answer any questions about your rights and options.  The experienced family law attorneys of Villani & DeLuca can assist you in every aspect of your divorce, including providing mediation services to help you reach an agreement without the cost and expense of a court trial.  Please call (732) 965-3350 today to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Ocean and Monmouth County divorce lawyers.  We can give you the effective legal representation you need to protect yourself during and after your divorce.

The Benefits of Retaining a NJ Divorce Attorney

Although anyone can represent themselves in the divorce process and can access all the applicable divorce forms online, it is highly recommended that you fully understand your rights in the process before signing any forms or finalizing your divorce. You should keep in mind that a divorce agreement and all related forms and documents have the ability to affect you for literally the rest of your life. Without legal representation, any wealth you have accumulated thus far in life may be subject to equitable distribution. While this is obviously not how divorce settlements should occur under New Jersey law, it is but one of many pitfalls people fall into when they try to complete a legal matter by representing themselves.

Need a Divorce Attorney?  Call Villani & DeLuca!

If you have any questions relative to child support, alimony, and the division of marital assets or the divorce process in general, Vincent DeLuca and the rest of our divorce team will be happy to answer your questions. Partner, Vincent C. DeLuca is a Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney with over twenty (20) years of experience in divorce law. He is also intimately familiar with the appropriate forms and protocol that is utilized in processing a New Jersey divorce.  Please call (732) 709-7757 today.

About the Author

Vincent C. DeLuca

Vincent C. DeLuca, a partner of the firm, devotes the entirety of his practice to family law. Vince is a trained divorce mediator and collaborative divorce attorney. Vince is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a matrimonial law attorney. Less than .002% of all practicing attorneys in...


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