Qualified Asbury Park Marijuana Distribution and Possession Defense Lawyers
A marijuana charge in NJ can be a big problem if it is not handled properly. Do not leave room for the possibility of a conviction for marijuana possession or distribution. Although medical marijuana is legal and may be used by certain individuals, the marijuana laws still apply to the majority of people in New Jersey. If you were arrested for pot possession, your Asbury Park, New Jersey attorney can assist you through the legal process.
Understand the Law, Avoid Marijuana Charges in NJ
New Jersey considers marijuana a Schedule 1 Controlled Dangerous Substance. Less than 50 grams is a disorderly persons offense, but a larger amount may warrant felony charges.
If you get arrested for owning marijuana (this can be a smaller amount than 50 grams), charges will frequently go beyond beyond possession. Even if you weren't arrested in the process of selling marijuana, you can get charged with the intent to distribute, which is just as serious. In many cases, the intent to distribute is a more severe charge than possession. A Asbury Park criminal defense lawyer may help get your distribution allegations reduced to possession.
NJ Defense Attorneys With Experience Disputing Marijuana Charges
The attorneys of Villani & DeLuca have been fighting marijuana-related charges in NJ since opening its doors in 1996. Carmine Villani, Esq. is a criminal defense lawyer with a history in the defense of people fighting drug charges. Mr. Villani is a former municipal prosecutor and will use his experience to strengthen your defense, so that it is as solid as it can be.
Marijuana Charges Our Experienced NJ Defense Lawyers Will Argue
{The seriousness of the accusations that can be brought against you in the state vary depending on the circumstances of your individual case, such as the total marijuana discovered on your person, where the arrest occurred and the intentions perceived by law enforcement and the prosecution.|Marijuana charges may be serious or basically minimal depending on where the arrest occurred, the amount of marijuana and what the arresting officer and the prosecutor perceives your intentions were (intent to sell or recreational use).
Possession of Marijuana
Your marijuana possession charges in New Jersey can landyou in prison for six months with a $1,000 fine, even if the quantity of marijuana is lower than 50 grams. If your marijuana possession exceeds 50 grams, you can face with a prison term that is a maximum of 18 months and a much bigger fine of $25,000.
Marijuana Distribution and Intent to Sell Marijuana
Penalties for the intent to sell are typically more wide-ranging than penalties for simple possession is in New Jersey. Distribution of only one ounce of marijuana or less will earn a maximum prison term of 18 months and a fine as expensive as $10,000 for a conviction. If you are determined to be guilty of distribution or the intent to sell in the first degree, your consequences can be as severe as a twenty-year jail term and a $300,000 fine.
School Zones and Public Parks
Protected zones include school zones, including school buildings and school vehicles, in addition to public parks. A punishment is enhanced if the arrest took place in a protected zone in NJ. Hire a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer if you were arrested and charged with marijuana possession or distribution in a Asbury Park protected zone.
Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is permitted in New Jersey, but there are many stipulations and regulations when considering the medical marijuana exemption. If you are permitted to use medical by another state, for instance, which does not necessarily entitle you to medical marijuana use in NJ. The medical marijuana laws of NJ tend to be more strict than comparable medical marijuana states around the country. Only serious illnesses can lead to medicinal marijuana exceptions.
Villani & DeLuca is Here for You All Day, Every Day for Legal Advice
To deal with your marijuana charges in Asbury Park, New Jersey, contact Villani & DeLuca criminal defense attorneys. You may also talk to a criminal defense attorney for a free consultation with a phone call to (732) 709-7757.