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Child Custody Lawyers in Shrewsbury NJ

The Right Shrewsbury, NJ Child Custody Lawyers for Your Family Law Needs

Child custody battles often develop during divorce cases. Turn to an attorney in Shrewsbury, New Jersey for the assurance you need so that your children's best interests are prioritized. Let your attorney worry about legal matters, so you can focus on your children.
Child custody contests ought to be resolved with the help of an experienced divorce law firm. Guarding your children is your number-one concern, and a lawyer can make it easier to attain your goals.

Experienced, Family Law Lawyers Put Your Children First

Are you going through a child custody dispute in Shrewsbury, New Jersey? Villani & DeLuca, P.C. can help you take care of your custody dispute and protect you and your child's relationship in this difficult time.

Villani & DeLuca will address each of these key concerns while protecting your intention in a child custody challenge:

  • Physical and legal custody
  • Sole custody, joint custody, visitation rights and supervised visitations
  • Custody evaluations
  • Rights of grandparents, including custody and visitation
  • Jurisdictional issues and interstate and intrastate child removal
  • Parenting plans, parenting time modifications and co-parenting issues
  • Separation agreements
  • Collaborative divorces
  • Dissolution of legal partnerships

If you are in need of a trained custody attorney, contact Villani & DeLuca today. Vincent DeLuca, Esq. has the privilege of being a NJ Supreme Court certified matrimonial law attorney, something that very few lawyers can boast.

Factors Influencing Custody Cases in New Jersey Courts

Numerous factors play a role when resolving an intense custody fight. Your divorce and custody lawyers will compare various affecting problems, such as the relationship between mother and father, the child's relationship to his/her parent, the amount of time each parent works or is on the road, whether there risk factors, health or mental concerns, environmental stability, parental lifestyle and the age of the child.
If you are dealing with divorce and custody issues, consider the potential benefits of a mediated divorce and custody conversation rather than the traditional style of divorce. Divorce mediation can be a good method of reaching a binding agreement on child custody issues. Divorce mediators in Shrewsbury, NJ are ready to help.

If the decisive and binding verdict comes down to the judge, your case needs to sway them into believing that you are the most capable guardian of your child. A seasoned child custody lawyer can have a huge impact on the end result.

Contact the Talented Shrewsbury Divorce Lawyers at Villani & DeLuca

Fight hard for your family, with a child custody attorney that will fight hard for you. Be prepared for your custody quarrel by calling (732) 709-7757 today.

Contact Us Today

Villani & DeLuca, P.C. is committed to answering your questions about Divorce & Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DWI & Traffic Law issues in Ocean County and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We offer a Free Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
