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Heroin Possession Lawyers in Oceanport NJ

Heroin Offense Lawyers in Oceanport, NJ Will Fight For You

Heroin has become extremely popular in New Jersey, and because of the large quantity of the drug, New Jersey has passed stiffer penalties in order to regulate it. Heroin possession and distribution are both severe infractions with serious punishments.

Heroin is insidious and not limited to one demographic or location. Located at an epicenter of the heroin import industry, New Jersey is troubled with some of the most pure and most low cost heroin in the country, which substantially affects the pervasive usage all over the state.
As governments at all levels concentrate ever more on the rising heroin trafficking and drug ring problem, the number of heroin-related arrests and drug raids substantially increase. In spite of this escalating predicament, a charge is still not a conviction. Drug users and distributors must be protected with the support of criminal defense lawyers serving places like Oceanport, New Jersey.
Were you picked up for heroin possession or distribution in Oceanport, NJ? Get advice from the criminal defense attorneys at Villani & DeLuca before it's too late.

Heroin Arrests Under New Jersey Law (N.J.S.A 2C:35-10)

Heroin possession is a third degree felony in NJ and may result in a five-year jail term and a hefty fine of up to $35,000.
New Jersey has witnessed heroin usage increase in popularity very quickly. A study from the Task Force on Heroin and Other Opiate Use by New Jersey Youths and Young Adults identified as heroin “the number one health care crisis” in the state. Your NJ heroin attorney should have a history of success in defending clients from heroin charges.

NJ Drug Possession Lawyers with Extensive Experience

The drug attorneys at Villani & DeLuca have a strong background in battling heroin offenses. A lawyer like Partner Carmine Villani, Esq. can leverage previous experiences assisting people arrested for drug crimes like heroin possession to build a better defense for you.

Protect Yourself from These Serious Heroin Charges

Convictions for heroin come with intense repercussions, both legally and in terms of job prospects. The penalties for being found guilty can be as significant as decades in prison for a multiple offender of heroin crimes.
Your verdict depends heavily on the quantity of heroin in your possession, but also on other variables, such as proximity to a school zone or whether authorities determine that you are distributing. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer may be able to secure a better sentence for you.

Simple Heroin Possession in New Jersey

If you are arrested for possession of heroin, you don't necessarily need to face jail time. A first offense may be eligible for Pretrial Intervention (PTI) if your defense attorney thinks you qualify. There are other considerations that may cause your charges to be reduced or dropped, including possibly unlawful search and seizure, which a practiced heroin lawyer will assess.
Even a relatively small amount of heroin can constitute the intent to distribute. If you are convicted of possession with the intent to sell, you can face five years in prison with a maximum fine of $75,000 and a revoked driver's license.

Heroin Distribution and Intent to Distribute Laws in New Jersey

Heroin distribution is no different than intent to distribute in the eyes of NJ drug laws. Heroin possession of fewer than a half ounce with the intent to sell is considered a third degree crime, while possession with intent to distribute bigger amounts (5 ounces or more) is a 1st degree crime. If you are convicted of heroin distribution in the first degree, you can end up with a prison term of10 to 20 years with a fine that reaches half a millions dollars.

Heroin Distribution and Possession in or Near a School Zone

An arrest for heroin possession in a school zone can lead to greatly increased penalties and charges. A school zone does incorporates more than the immediate area around school building. School zones extend 1,000 feet from the school building and vehicles.

Safeguard Your Future from a Heroin Conviction

Numerous paths are open to you with the help of a lawyer who has defended charges like yours in the past. With a smart defense, your heroin defense lawyer can help achieve the best possible outcome.
Was the search and seizure of the drugs and paraphernalia legally authorized and correct procedure followed? If your rights were transgressed, you may have reasons for dismissal. The drug lawyer you decide on will pinpoint any unlawful procedures that resulted in your arrest.
You might want to consider a conditional discharge defense if your lawyer feels you qualify. Conditional discharge is a way of evading a criminal record under the assumption that you will go on probation.

Pretrial Intervention is a wake-up call to many drug users and can be an alternative to prison. It is used to stave off repeat offenses instead of a jail term. The PTI program can be very invaluable if you are grappling with addiction.

Villani & DeLuca Heroin Possession Attorneys are Available 24/7 in Oceanport

Are you looking for a lawyer?  Contact Villani & DeLuca right away to learn about how to minimize your heroin charges in New Jersey.  Call (732) 709-7757 today for a free assessment. Our attorneys will ?combat? charges you are facing in Oceanport, NJ today.

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